February 06, 2024

House votes on a common-sense bill to deport illegals convicted of drunk driving. Guess what...

Illegal alien invaders are far more likely than U.S. citizens to drive drunk (per capita), invariably killing innocent Americans.  

So awhile ago Republicans in the U.S. House introduced a seemingly reasonable bill saying that any illegal alien convicted of "driving under the influence" would be immediately deported, regardless of the wailing and screaming and myriad excuses always trotted out the the left.

The bill made it to the floor last week.  And you'll never guess what happened:

One-hundred-and-fifty Democrats voted against it.

See, by their votes Democrats clearly show that believe no illegal aliens should ever be deported for driving drunk and killing innocent Americans,  no matter how many innocent Americans they kill.

GOP Rep. Greg Murphy (NC) described a typical deadly crash where Jose Guadalupe Menjivar-Alas, an illegal migrant from El Salvador, killed a 47-year-old mother and her 16-year-old son while driving under the influence in December. Before the incident, Menjivar-Alas had been deported four separate times after illegally entering the U.S. FIVE TIMES.

The son of a bitch had been arrested three times for DUI.

Biden regime policy is that DUI convictions can't be considered when an immigration judge is asked to rule on whether an illegal alien invader will be allowed to stay in the U.S., according to The Hill.  The insanity of this policy shouldn't need explanation.  But with Democrats, aliens are second from the top of the specially-protected-class list, trailing only trannies.

Ordinary Americans are way lower on the Dem priority list.

Of course Democrat voters don't believe a word of this.  You can't believe Democrat congresswhores would vote against a bill to deport illegal aliens who get drunk and kill Americans.  And yet they did vote against it.

Click the link above and see for yourself.  And if you don't believe that link (spoiler: Democrats do NOT believe anything that contradicts their belief that their party's leaders
are for the common citizen's welfare), here's a link to the official website of the clerk of the House.

My highly-educated siblings--all Democrats--would not believe this if I didn't have the official links to back it up.  Now they'll say there were good reasons for 150 Dems to vote against it.  I'll ask 'em what those reasons were.  They won't have any idea, but they're absolutely convinced there must be GREAT reasons to defend drunk-driving illegals killing Americans.  Yep.  Fits their worldview.



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