February 06, 2024

"Border bill," drafted by Dem-ruled senate--is a total fraud; media instantly lying about it


Say, citizen, heard anything about the faaaabulous "border bill" drafted by three senators?

The Narrative--i.e. the Myth, the lie--is that the bill will "tighten border security."  That's an utter, brazen lie, but one that's being endlessly, uncritically parroted by the Mainstream Media--because the Dems and the Media are absolutely determined to pass the damn thing.

In reality, not only does the bill do absolutely nothing to tighten border security, it gives away billions to illegals and attorneys and the NGOs ("non-government organizations") that help move three million illegals a year into the U.S.

It's 370 pages of language so deliberately convoluted and obtuse that it take several minutes to decipher a single paragraph.  The real effects are known only to the lobbyists who wrote it, and to top Democrats in each chamber.   Congressional leaders know no American has time or the inclination to read the damn thing before it comes up for a vote--or any other time, for that matter.

So Jesse Waters' staff was tasked with doing what none of us has the time or desire to do:  read and analyze every word.  So, 27 people pulled a college all-nighter.  Wow, glad we don't have to do those anymore, eh?  The result will only take 11 minutes of your time.

So...watch as Waters calmly explains many of the most outrageous provisions, like the Dems voting to give $1.5 BILLION to NGOs, when they're the ones organizing the massive invasion "caravans."

The bill says the gruberment SHALL pay $400 MILLION to give every illegal alien an attorney to argue in favor of asylum.  (And the NGOs have coached all of 'em to answer the questions supporting that.)

The bill explicitly allowing 5,000 illegals a DAY to enter without triggering a single restriction.  If the number of illegals crossing averages more than 5,000 a day for seven consecutive days, the Border Patrol is directed to...um...well, to "direct" illegals to ports of entry for processing--which is exactly what's happening now!  It gives Porridgebrain the power to temporarily close the border, but does not require him to do so.  The corrective action is riddled with "may"s.  Probably end up requiring someone to draft a strongly-worded letter to...someone else. 

The bill demands thousands of new full-time, high-paid government employees shall be hired to "process" illegals and grant asylum to those who answer three questions correctly.

Even the Democrat senator who drafted the bill--Chris Murphy, CT--reassured the left in a tweet that the bill "will never close the border."  And since he drafted the damn thing, you'd think he'd know, eh?

On and on, for 370 pages.

Now the hoot:  The Democrats have been pushing to give Ukraine another $80 BILLION, and Israel $15 billion, and Taiwan $5 or $10 billion.  Democrat senator Chuck Schumer explicitly scared voters by claiming that if we didn't give Ukraine another $80 BILLION, we'd have to send U.S. troops to fight the Russians in Europe.  (Video of him saying that below.) 

Republicans saw a chance to force a trade: they'd vote for the money for Ukraine et al if Dems would agree to tighter border security--cutting the number of illegals crossing our wide-open southern border.  Dems agreed, but because they control the senate a Democrat drafted the bill, released last night. the bill does nothing to tighten border security, and insisted gives $20 billion to illegals, pro-illegal NGOs and attorneys.

A total giveaway.  A charade.  A joke.  And despite the House Speaker claiming "the bill is dead," the Mainstream Media will push HARD on the idea that if the House doesn't pass it, the defeat of Ukraine and Israel and Taiwan will be their fault.

Under that relentless pressure, Johnson will claim he was "forced" to bring the bill up for a vote, expecting you to believe that *he* believed the GOP's TWO-VOTE majority in the House will defeat it.  He knows that unlike Democrats, who almost never break party discipline, RINOs constantly vote with the Dems.  So the only way to ensure the thing doesn't pass is to not bring it up for a floor vote.

Did Johnson say he wouldn't bring it up for a floor vote?  He did not.  

Do reporters know that if he does bring it to the floor, odds are three RINOs would vote with the Dems to pass the disaster?

Of course reporters know that.  Anyone who studies U.S. politics knows that.

Knowing this, why would reporters pass up a chance to smoke out the GOP Speaker they hate, by asking him "Given your party's razor-thin 2-vote majority, do you plan to bring the bill up for a vote?"

If he says he doesn't plan to let the full House vote, the Media will trash him as "being dictatorial."  If he sees the trap and says he'll bring it to a vote of the full house, the ghastly, horrible bill passes.

Way more than three retiring GOP RINOs will join the Democrats in voting to pass this abomination, because supporters of Israel want to get the cash to them, supporters of military weapons-builders will want to keep the cash flowing, and GOP supporters of illegal aliens (Dan Crenshaw) will vote for it.


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