February 04, 2024

"Duh regime added millions of jobs last year!!" Really? A closer look shows...you don't wanna know

There's a virtually endless stream of hard statistics about our economy--gathered and published by seemingly expert, honest, unbiased agencies.  Those reports are in the public domain, accessible by anyone.

Of course you never see those reports, because the Mainstream Media never reports on 'em.  "Too hard to understand," they bleat.  But a tiny handful of bloggers--specialists--do read 'em every month, and analyze 'em.

I don't.  I just read those guys, and if I think they're being accurate I tell you here.

But like my siblings, when the numbers and graphs show something different from what the biden regime and the Mainstream Media are saying, you don't believe a word of it, cuz "Dat not possible!  Dey wudn' lie to us!"

Think about that.  It's totally reasonable for rational people to reject a report by claiming the analyst has altered the data, or by claiming the source (in the case below, the St. Louis Fed) isn't competent, or claiming the numbers don't really mean what the analyst claims.  But regime voters don't do any of those things.  

Instead, data that contradict the regime and the Media are simply ignored, either because readers don't understand what it means (fair enough; I'll try to explain better), or because the meaning contradicts one of your fundamental beliefs--which is that the regime tells you the truth.

Think about that.  Want an example?  Okay, the regime absolutely assured you--repeatedly, on video, every day--that the "vaccine" was "safe and effective."  And to this day most Democrats believe that, despite not only massive data to the contrary, but now quiet admissions by the "experts" that neither of those things was ever true.  The "vaccine" did NOT prevent you from getting duh Chyna virus, and had deadly "adverse effects."  But dems don't believe it.  Those facts are dismissed as a "right-wing scare story."

Most Americans still believe "all people are equal under the law," and that the Constitution is still "the supreme law of the land."   Both those things are demonstrably no longer true, but you refuse to believe any info that contradicts those beliefs.

And I really, truly understand.  Most people ignore anything that conflicts with their fundamental beliefs.

With that as background:  You've all heard--endlessly, from the biden regime and parroted by their supporters in the Mainstream Media--that the economy is BOOMING, right?

"Bidenomics," eh?  "Booming, citizen."

So...the regime claims to have added "millions" of jobs last year.  But a guy at the link at the end of this piece found some graphs from the St. Louis Fed showing that the U.S. hasn't had a NET increase in full-time jobs since before covid.  In fact there are fewer full-time jobs today than in Feb of last year.

Wait...how can that be possible?  If duh economy is booming, as the regime and the Media claim, shouldn't there be more full-time jobs now?

Silly citizen!  You jus' don' unnerstand Bidenomics!  Yew needs ta lissen to duh tee-vee mo'.  Pay no attention to silly stuff like "full-time jobs"!   All yew needs ta do is lissen to duh tee-vee.  Dey tellin' ya duh economy beez booming, so yew needs ta believe 'em so you'll vote fo' duh brilliant Dems who've given you this faaabulous economy come November.  Of course.  Makes perfect sense.

Okay, sarc off.  Very few high-skill jobs are part-time.  Absent some extraneous factor, an economy that's losing full-time jobs is NOT growing, it's shrinking.  

The biden regime crows that they've added "millions" of jobs...and yet the Fed says we lost full-time jobs last year.  Hmmm...  Maybe the Fed is wrong, eh?  Yeh, dat's it.  I mean, what do they know?

Moreover, the Fed says virtually all the jobs that were added last year were part-time...which again normally means lower-skill and lower paying.

SO...Are the folks at the Fed incompetent?  You tell me.  And if they're right...what does that imply about both the economy... and the honesty of the biden regime?  Which, my sister absolutely assures me is definitely NOT corrupt.




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