November 10, 2023

Insider trading by one of the richest men in the U.S, loved by the Media? Say it ain't so!

As every adult knows, the government prosecutes "insider trading," because it uses information only known to insiders instead of to all those in the market.  Even if some poor bastard buys or sells based on a conversation he overheard in a bar, the corrupt goombahs in the SEC have been known to prosecute.

Now: have any of you heard of a stock-price-manipulation scheme called "front-running"?  

Unless you're a real fan of stocks or a financial attorney, probably not.  It's a variation of insider trading, in which you heard that MegaCorp was getting ready to buy $100 million of stock in NuCorp.  Right now that stock is trading for 20 cents a share, but when the savvy folks running Mega buy a shit-ton of it, what do ya think will happen to the stock price, eh?

Sure:  It'll boom, because every swingin' duck on the planet will think "Those guys at Mega are REEL smaht, so dey mus' know sumpin's about to get federal approval for their (____) device!  So I needs ta buy a bunch o' that!"  And the price goes exponential.  Simple.

Now:  Warren Buffet founded and continues to head an investment company, Berkshire Hathaway--which has a "market capitalization" of over 750 BILLION dollars.  Berkshire is MegaCorp.

The Media treat Buffet kindly because he seems honest and isn't a goofball, which seems to happen to many of the super-rich.  Buffet also claims to be very concerned with reputation and ethics, which the Media pretends to love.

Now:  Although Buffet is worth billions from his B-H stock, he also has a personal trading account.  And a couple of days ago, using leaked IRS tax filings from Buffet, a "public-interest" outfit called Pro Publica has found that on numerous occasions Buffet bought stock for his personal account a few days before Berkshire bought millions of dollars worth of that stock.

Yep: front-running.  And of course since Buffet has total authority over what stocks B-H buys and sells, that's classic insider trading.  If the biden SEC was honest, it would fine him ten million bucks and be done with it.  Shows everyone is equal under the law, eh?

Wanna bet on whether the SEC will prosecute, even though the report is now public?  If so, I'll take the bet.  They won't even *charge him,* because then they'd have to explain why he wasn't fined--or even thrown in JAIL like poor Martha Stewart, who traded on a rumor she heard from someone not even in the company involved.  Without looking it up, my recollection is that she spent the better part of a year in jail.  But the biden regime won't touch Warren Buffet--because he'll almost certainly "make a donation" to a biden "scholarship fund," or "Green energy fund," or "ACT Blue" or any of a thousand corrupt ways people can siphon cash to the bidens. 

Think this is fake newz?  CNBC thinks it's real enough.  They took pains to make their aired piece on it as cryptic as possible so only the insiders realize what it really means.  And of course Pro Publica thinks it's real.  So take a look.


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