November 10, 2023

In Germany young Muslims calmly, candidly admit they want to take over that country

In the video below a native German in Germany interviews a group of Muslim males demonstrating, asks 'em what their goals are.  They're quite candid: "We're going to take over Germany."

They're very matter-of-fact about it.  You have to see it.

Democrat: "Silly conservative, they don't really mean that!  That's just bluster, like all men do!   Your president has told you many times, Islam is 'the religion of peace.'  You're not gonna contradict our president, are ya?  Surely you don't think you're smarter than the people running the country, do ya?"

Hey asshole, talk to the guys in the video.  Try to convince THEM that they don't really believe what they're saying.  That it's just--how did you blithely dismiss it?  Oh yeah: "just bluster."  You bet, sparky.

You're the same clueless asshole who claims the murders of 1,400 Israeli civilians by Hamas cutthroats on October 7th didn't happen.  You don't want to believe these bastards seriously want to take over the world.

Democrat: "Take over the world?  That's just silly right-wing conspiracy talk!  They might possibly want to take over Germany or France or the U.K, but NOT the whole world!  That's crazy-talk!"

Ahh, I see you learned nothing at all from the second World War.

Democrat: "Whut?"

Before the war started, Adolf Hitler demanded that Czechoslovakia give Germany a large chunk of Czechoslovakia called the Sudetenland.  The Czechs stubbornly didn't want to cooperate, so England and France simply DECLARED that the Sudetenland--part of Czechoslovakia--now belonged to Germany.  Can you imagine?  On returning from the meeting with Hitler at which he "gave" the Sudetenland to Germany, the British prime minister--a top-flight elitist named Neville Chamberlain--declared "I have achieved peace in our time."  How did that work out, ya dumb bastard?

Democrat:  "Whut?  Uh...I don' think dey taught us nuffin' 'bout dat in skool.  Whut happen?"

One year later Germany started World War 2.  Britain and France giving Hitler the Sudetenland didn't satisfy him.

Democrat:  " givin' duh Nazis a big chunk of some other country's land did NOT satisfy 'em?  Dat not possible!  I think you lyin'!  Yeh, dat it!  Besides, Islam is nothing like the Nazis!  Islam is 'the religion of peace,' remember?  Our Dear Leader said so!  And he always tells the truth!"

Folks, this is what you're up against.  The people running the U.S., and the Mainstream Media, are lying to you.  And frankly whether they really believe their own lies or are just too dumb or uninformed to realize what's really happening doesn't matter much at this point.

If you have kids, wake the hell up...for their sake.


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