July 28, 2023

Shocking details about how DOJ and Hunty's team *hid* "total immunity" grant from judge

The subversion of the rule of law by the biden regime is unfolding so fast that I can't even keep up with all the action.  And as always, the U.S. media either barely mentions it or makes it look trivial.  To get the true details you have to go to an overseas source.  Here's the the Daily Mail:

On Tuesday prosecutors tried to hide a "total blanket immunity" clause they were giving Hunter Biden– but were exposed by the judge, according to a former federal prosecutor.

Former Assistant US Attorney Will Scharf slammed prosecutors and Hunter’s legal team, led by Chris Clark, for allegedly trying to trick the judge in the case into approving the outrageously generous and highly unusual sweetheart deal that got Hunty off with no punishment for failing to pay $2.8 million in taxes and lying on a federal firearms form.

Legal experts expected a perfunctory hearing--maybe 20 minutes--on Wednesday for the judge to approve the ‘sweetheart’ deal the DOJ offered him for two tax charges.  Instead the judge unexpectedly examined a part of the deal separate from the formal "plea bargain."  This was a "diversion agreement" that ostensibly settled the firearms violation.  But it actually offered Hunty total immunity from all other crimes that might be discovered, now or in the future.  The DOJ didn't expect the judge to examine that part of the deal since it was supposed to deal only with the firearms charge.

Hiding such terms under a different document supposedly dealing with another matter was a clear, obvious effort to fool the court.  The Daily Mail obtained a transcript from the explosive hearing on Wednesday which reveals how the DOJ and Hunty's attorneys tried to fool the court and give Hunty total immunity for everything.

The "plea deal" offered by the corrupt DOJ prosecutors consisted of two different documents: a ‘plea agreement,’ in which Hunter would plead guilty to two failures to pay taxes totaling $2.8 million, which the DOJ agreed to charge as wrist-slap misdemeanors (no penalty); and a separate "diversion agreement," which was supposed to show only that prosecutors agreed to drop charges that Hunty lied on a federal form when buying a gun, when he claimed he didn't use illegal drugs.

But buried in the diversion agreement was a clause that gave Hunter total immunity for everything, both past and future--including failure to register as a lobbyist for foreign entities.  And here's where it got interesting:

Judge Noreika noted that federal rules gave her no say on the terms of the "diversion agreement," which is where DOJ prosecutors or Hunty's attorneys had hidden the crucial total immunity clause.  (And even if Hunty's team did it, one would expect the hotshot DOJ prosecutors would have caught it--and objected if that wasn't their understanding of the deal.)

Scharf said that promises not to prosecute normally appear in the plea agreement itself, as you'd expect.  But in this case the crucial grant of total immunity was instead ‘hidden’ in the diversion agreement.  And crucially, the judge doesn't have the ability to modify or object to terms of a diversion agreement.  Neat, eh?

When the judge found the total immunity provision hidden in the "diversion agreement" she asked the prosecutor if that meant the DOJ was offering Hunty immunity from uncharged crimes like failing to register as a lobbyist for a foreign entity.

Clearly the prosecutor didn't expect that question.  Admitting the true meaning of the total immunity offer hidden in the diversion agreement--which was very explicit--would show the public the scam.  So the best prosecutor Weiss could do was to stammer that the DoJ’s "investigation" of FARA violations was "ongoing" so Hunter could conceivably be charged.

Scharf claimed Weiss was caught off guard and took the only course that would save face for the DOJ and not reveal the outrageously generous terms of the hidden deal--even more generous than the plea deal itself, which involved no punishment whatsoever.

Had the judge not spotted the "total immunity" bombshell hidden in the diversion agreement, Hunty would have gotten total immunity for any crimes, even those not yet charged or even discovered, and arguably for future crimes as well.

Scharf described the bizarre structure of the deal as "crazy", "totally unique" and "not something that you would ever see in a court of law in any other case in the United States."  Scharf was also outraged about the deal itself, letting Hunty off with no punishment for two counts of  failure to pay taxes, which had been inexplicably reduced to misdemeanors.

With the DOJ forced to claim it Hunty might be charged for violating FARA--contra to the total immunity the agency clearly offered in the diversion agreement, Hunty pled not guilty, and the judge gave the parties 30 days to hash out an acceptable agreement.

You'll be shocked (not) to learn that they came back the next day with Plan B already agreed to.  The "diversion agreement" is still there, but doesn't contain the "total immunity" language.  The reason is that Merrick Garland's DOJ has verbally assured Hunty's lawyers that it won't prosecute him for anything else, so there's no need for the total immunity language.

Of course you knew about all this yesterday, right?  Cuz the Mainstream Media--which is the only place you get your information--reported all the details, right?

Of course not.  And worse yet, you don't believe the details reported by former assistant U.S. Attorney Scharf, noted above, because...it's just too, too over the top, eh?  Too unbelievable.  Couldn't possibly be true, eh?

For example, here's how the shit-shill-site Axios "reported" the total immunity grant that the DOJ tried to hide from the court:

The big picture: A federal judge on Wednesday rejected Hunter Biden's plea deal on tax charges and said that she wasn't ready to accept the terms of a revised deal.

That's the entire "report" from Axios.  But as noted, the judge did NOT reject the part of the deal having to do with Hunty's tax charges, but to the DOJ grant of "total immunity" hidden in the "diversion agreement."  The Axios piece made no mention at all of the hidden "total immunity for every possible crime" promise.  That's how the Mainstream Media rolls.  And yet you still trust them.

What's even more obscene is that even if Democrats were to learn about all the scheming lawlessness, they'd just ignore it.  They'd say "It just shows a father's love for his son, who he said is the smartest man he's ever met."

Yep yep yep.  You bet.

You people are beyond saving.  The only reason I bother trying to tell you what's happening--and what will happen--is for my own satisfaction when everything I predicted turns out to be right.  And yes, when it all happens as I predicted, you can bet I'm gonna say I told you so.




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