July 25, 2023

Democrats are about to control Postal Service board, assuring vote-by-mail steal in 2024

Democrats are about to lock in control of an agency you never heard of: the "Postal Service governing board."

Why this matters is, it will destroy the possibility of honest (i.e. fraud-free) elections forever.  And that's not hyperbole.  Here's how it works:

The Post Office is effectively run by a union: the American Postal Workers Union (APWU).  Like all unions it's totally Democrat/socialist.  So guess which party it wants to win the White House in 2024.  

The union will do this by controlling whether mail-in ballots are delivered to a given address.  If you live in an affluent, conservative precinct in a state that automatically mails ballots to everyone, chances are good that ten or 20 percent of ballots won't arrive.  Hey, everyone knows stuff gets lost in the mail from time to time, eh?

"No matter," you say. "I'll just vote in person."  Except...when you arrive, the election workers tell you you've already voted by mail.  And since you're only allowed to vote once (if you're conservative, anyway), "sorry."

Think that's impossible?  It happened thousands of times in 2020.

Union protesters gathered outside the board’s quarterly meeting in Washington, D.C., to harangue Postmaster General Louis DeJoy—a Trump appointee—demanding Porridgebrain  replace the reasonably neutral board with a Democrat majority bent on firing him and expanding vote-by-mail.

The demanded two Democrats be named to the board: former U.S. rep Brenda Lawrence, a former postal worker and member of both APWU and the National Association of Letter Carriers, and former Dem rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), who passed the $57 billion Postal Reform Act of 2022 expanding postal worker healthcare benefits.

Either woman would effectively serve as the postal unions’ representative on the board. Both support massively expanding USPS’ vote-by-mail capabilities, as do all of Biden’s board nominees.

But there’s a catch.

The 9-person board is limited by law to 5 members of either party. Democrats already control 5 seats: 4 by overt Democrats, and a fifth through a nominal “independent,” Amber McReynolds.  But McReynolds is a hard-left “progressive” who formerly headed the National Vote at Home Institute, a leftist organization responsible for the Left’s rapid adoption of all-mail elections in 2020.

Imagining she's really an “independent” is ridiculous.

The campaign to pack the board--which the Dems amusingly call the "Save the Post Office Coalition"--is already in full swing.  If you don't believe their goal is to steal the election, consider that the group includes 300 left-wing groups including the ACLU, the government workers union AFSCME, and the radical climate freaks at 350.org.

Virtually every major union, including the AFL-CIO, United Auto Workers, SEIU, National Nurses United, and National Education Association; the Center for American Progress, the Left’s top think tank; the pro tranny group Lambda Legal; "Everytown for Gun Safety," a Leftist anti-gun, anti-2A organization; People for the American Way, which protests conservative judicial nominees.

Not a single conservative organization.  That tells you everything you need to know.

The coalition has sworn to “deliver a majority on the board with or without Republican support in the Senate."

They demand that congress must federalize elections, then quickly order all-mail voting.

You've never heard a word about any of this before now, nor will you as it occurs.  This is a classic stealth steal by the Democrats, so the Lying Mainstream Media won't report it.  And since the Democrats control the senate, the union nominees are assured of winning control of the Postal Service board.

Of course the postal workers' union already controlled deliveries and thefts.  But with board control a Dem steal again next year is assured.

The U.S. is doomed, thanks to Democrats.




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