July 27, 2023

As I predicted, Hunty's attorneys and biden "prosecutors" already had Plea Deal B ready

Hunty biden's reeking sweetheart plea deal--officially filed with the court hours ago and agreed to by the corrupt DOJ "prosecutors"--just got MUCH more stinky.

Nearly every paragraph contains a damning revelation, but let's start with paragraph 11, which states that there's an "Attachment A" which is NOT being made public, but is "filed under seal."

What?  The terms of plea deals are supposed to be open to inspection, so the public knows whether the deal was corruptly influenced.  A secret attachment is contra to normal practice.  But Hunty's lawyers quickly claim that 

"...the government routinely files such an attachment, even though it may or may not contain additional terms.  To the extent, however, that Attachment A contains additional terms, the parties...agree to be bound by such terms."

You have to marvel at the piles of bullshit, like "it may or may not contain additional terms."  If it didn't contain additional terms, there wouldn't be any need for it, eh sparky?  Utter bullshit.

And to make sure whatever "additional terms" it does contain are honored, they add that "IF" Attachment A should happen to contain "additional terms," "the parties...agree to be bound by such terms."  After telling you it "may or may not contain additional terms."  They think we're stupid.

What total, obvious, obscene, outrageous horse shit!

To show that this is definitely NOT a sweetheart deal that no ordinary tax cheat would get, Hunty's attorneys and the "prosecutors" specifically agree that their boy will pay a "special assessment" fee (paragraph 2) of...wait for it...$25.

But wait!  Lest you think Hunty is getting off too lightly, Hunty's attorneys and Merrick Garland's prosecutor have agreed that Hunty will also pay the cost of prosecution.   

And how much is that, do ya think?  Gotta be a big number, surely, cuz all those top-level gruberment attorneys, working overtime for months, eh?  The DOJ eagles quickly tell us: "...which the parties stipulate to be zero."  In other words, "We demanded that Hunty pay the full cost of prosecuting him--which we stipulate is zero.  But we want the public to see that we were determined that he agree to pay it, even though we (falsely) stipulate it's zero.  See, we don't want the public to think we were giving him a sweetheart deal or sumpthin'." 

The official, filed offer also admits that an unnamed third party paid Hunter's back taxes, totaling around $2.8 million.  We knew this months ago, but Democrats sneered that it was just a crazy right-wing conspiracy theory.  Except now his own attorneys admit it, AND the amounts.  But they cleverly never announced the total, which would shock most Americans. 

So with such huge taxes owed, how much money was this crooked addict raking in, eh?  Take a look at the phrase in red below: In just two consecutive months he bagged $758,000, or an average of $379,000 per MONTH.  Nice, eh?  Wonder what he did to earn that?

And finally we read this:

See, as everyone surely knows, the only substantive reason Hunty is getting this faaaabulous deal is obvious: his dad is quote "preznit."  But equally obvious is that his lawyers can't actually say that.  So literally half the pages of the "plea bargain" describe how hard po' Hunty has struggled wif' addiction, and how hard it was even to put food on the table...uh...make both the payments on his Porsche and his child-support payments.

Wait...maybe that excuse too could use some work!  So they're setting up the reason for recommending just probation for failing to pay $2.8 million in taxes is that duh po' fraudster/bagman wuz addicted to duh cocaine or crack or whatever.  "Our supporters will be totally cool wif dat, but it probably won't set well wif' conservatives.  But hey, who cares, right?"

I've been saying for years that even though the Founders wanted to ensure that "all are equal under the law," the truth (which anyone with a functioning brain has known for decades) is that there are two sets of laws in this country: a lenient one for elites and connected comrades, and a second, totally strict, unforgiving set for those of us who aren't elites.

This ghastly plea deal is just Exhibit 360,274 proving it.

Now: it's 9 pm eastern time on Thursday.  By tomorrow we'll see if the judge accepts the deal.  Does anyone want to bet on a) whether the judge will accept the outrageously generous plea bargain, and 2) whether the judge will allow the "secret" Attachment A to stay sealed?  Just let me know.




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