July 17, 2023

It's all coming together, all the pieces falling into place

In the wake of covid most Western nations--and especially the USA under the biden regime--have descended into a kind of psychosis.  Using sophisticated propaganda, brazen lies and censorship, the biden regime convinced or coerced frightened citizens into taking the "experimental," "emergency use only" "vaccine."

Those of us who actually do research instead of swallowing the regime's lies are virtually certain that C-19 was modified at the Wuhan Institute to be more lethal to humans.  Because some personnel there didn't use protective gear, they were the first to be infected by the virus.  They then infected others in the city, loosing the virus on the world.

The government "health agencies" don’t want you to know any of this, and have repeatedly lied to shield the Chinese communist party.

The most deadly lie was the U.S. government  telling Americans NOT to use safe, effective treatments of known anti-virals that could have saved at least half a million American lives.  The regime did this because FDA regulations say that they can only authorize the use of a "vaccine" under an "Emergency use only" protocol if there's NO effective alternative treatment.

So *the regime had to make Americans believe ivermectin and HCQ didn't help.*  They did this by getting governors to threaten to pull the medical licenses of doctors who prescribed either drug, and the licenses of pharmacists who filled precriptions for either drug.

This was especially brazen because both HCQ and ivermectin had been approved for human use years earlier by the FDA (yes, *our* FDA).  Before covid appeared the CDC even published the recommended dose for ivermectin for humans (200 mcg per kg of body weight, if you're curious).  (Caution: "mcg" is NOT milligrams but "micrograms.")

"Ooohhh, how do we get Americans to fear an already-approved, safe, inexpensive drug?"  Yeah, that's a tough one--and yet the too-clever rat-bastard propagandists at the FDA rolled out that tweet with a pic of a horse, and the headline "You're not a horse.  You're not a cow.  So stop it, y'all."

"Stop it, y'all."  Is that too cute or what?  They cunningly did NOT say it wasn't approved for human use, but by saying "You are not a horse" they got 80% of average readers to *believe* it's only approved for de-worming horses and cows.

And like magic, virtually every mainstream shithead Media shill began using the phrase "horse de-wormer" in stories mentioning ivermectin.  It's Propaganda 101, and they use it.

Worse: the regime actually seized orders of ivermectin mailed to Americans from overseas, despite the total lack of any authority to do so.

Happened repeatedly, and if you don't believe it ("That's silly, Amy.  The biden government would never do that!") you're too dumb to breathe.  You're an idiot, and you deserve everything you're getting with the regime.

In fact, governments are still militating against the sale and use of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.  If you want some amusement, email the CDC and ask them if ivermectin and HCQ are approved for human use--and if so, what year?

Now, will there be any retribution by those whose loved ones were *murdered* by the government lies?  Of course not.  Not one will lose his or her pension, nor serve prison time, nor pay a dollar in penalty.  Cuz, two sets of laws, citizen.

The preznit of our once-proud nation is up to his neck in a bribery scandal and executive agency thuggery.  His political party is mired  in corruption.  And if you think the Democrats won't steal the 2024 election I've got a bridge I'll sell ya really cheap.

Polls show at least half of American surveyed don’t believe the last election was honest, or that the 2024 election will be honest.

And all this is happening at the same time that Western Civ is facing a crisis of economy and finance.  Most western nations are broke, including America and Europe.  While China, Russia and India merrily continue to use lots of carbon fuels, the U.S. and Europe are de-industrializing their economies, relying on imports from China.

We're no longer producing goods we need. Instead we pretend they can be replaced with banking and video games and crappy computer software ("vaporware").  Ordinary people know that's stupid, but the "elites" and politicians bleat that the world is one big happy family, so everything's fine.

Normal person:  "I don't think y'all have thought this through."

Democrat Pol:  "Shut up, peasant."

This can only end in collapsing standards of living--which is exactly what the ecoterrorists and communists want.

Some analysts believe that as people start to lose the things they once had and enjoyed, a huge correction is inevitable.  I don't agree.  The average person may have an average IQ but is astonishingly ignorant, simply believing whatever he or she hears on the alphabet networks, or CNN or MSNBC.

(I've actually tried this with my friends.  They have no idea about *anything* significant.)

The Media, in turn, will print or broadcast whatever their Democrat masters tell 'em to, because they love the Democrat party and hate conservatives--those awful folks who believe in the traditional family and don't like public schools pushing their kids to "transition."

Result: There won't be any pushback against the gradual slide into socialism.  Only a handful of men will take up arms--and being so few, they'll quickly be imprisoned just like the J6 protesters.  No bail?  Y'say that violates the Bill of Rights?  Nah, dat can't be right, cuz dat would mean duh "Justice" Department is corrupt.  Dat not possible.

And the Democrats and the Media will cheer wildly.

The "elites" will continue to live as they do today.  And the near-elites in every company and government will keep hoping to become part of that caste.  So nothing "stressful" will happen.

I don't have kids, so my care factor is pretty low.  But if you have kids, then for their sake you might not like the future that's shaping up.

Source: Kunstler



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