After SC defeat, biden regime rolls out "student loan forgiveness" simply re-named!
A characteristic of totalitarians, communists and Democrats is that they never stop pushing for a goal, even if the Supreme Court just said "You lack the authority to do...X."
In this case the SC slapped down biden's totally unconstitutional bribe to 40 million voters of "forgiving" student loans. $10,000 worth for most, $20,000 for specially-protected groups. Oh wait, they realized that was sure to trigger a slapdown so they changed it to "Pell grant recipients." many of you thought the biden regime would just move on to some other bribe, eh? Guess what: they didn't. Instead they've trotted out "zero payments for those making less than 225% of the poverty threshold, PLUS *no interest will accrue*! Is that cool or what?
So if zero payments for most borrowers, AND no interest accrues, how do the loans get repaid?
Simple, suckers: You folks who either didn't go to college or worked two jobs to pay for it, or who graduated and repaid your student loans by eating Ramen noodles for five years (I've eaten a LOT of those--they're great and cheap!) will repay to make good on biden's bribe.
If you're a member of one of the groups in the paragraph above, you should be outraged. You worked hard and repaid your loans, but now comes the Democrat bribe that will force you and your parents to repay loans for slackers. But of course the Lying Mainstream Media doesn't tell you that, eh?
"Borrowers who originally balances of $12,000 or less will be eligible for forgiveness of their remaining balances after 120 payments." So if they pay zero for five years, and $50 per month for another five, they end up with you paying off $9,000 of their balance.
Wait, didn't the SC just say the regime did NOT have the authority to "forgive" student loans? Why yes, yes it did. So how does this new scheme get around that?
Simple: the regime simply called it by a different name!
Now, you can't believe that's true. You can't believe the Supreme Court would allow 'em to do something the court said they couldn't, simply by re-naming it, eh?
Here's what I know that you don't: The regime has been working on this "workaround" for over a year. They've carefully looked at all the angles, and they know this will pass review.
If you're skeptical, care to bet on whether the regime will get away with this scheme? Really, step right up.
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