July 18, 2023

After lying for two years that the laptop was "Russian disinformation," Hunty's attorneys admitted in court...

Hey citizen, remember way WAY back when 51 former U.S. intel agents, including 5 former CIA chiefs, signed a letter claiming the story that a laptop belonging to Hunter biden and abandoned at a repair shop was "Russian disinformation"?

Every Mainstream Media outlet dutifully, slavishly parroted that line.  Remember?

Every.  Single.  One.

And the public bought it, just as they bought the bullshit lie pushed by the Dems that Trump "colluded with Russia" to steal the election from their beloved Hilliary.  Remember?

Now watch the video clip at this link, just for ONE small thing in the middle: After White House chief of staff Ron Klain arranged for the bullshit letter from the "intel officials" to be drafted and signed, claiming the laptop was "Russian disinformation" (meaning it either didn't belong to Hunty or that the tens of thousands of emails it contained were fake), and after Hunty appeared on a long interview on NBC claiming he didn't know if the laptop was his (!), his attorneys filed a motion in court claiming that various conservative sites had illegally appropriated information from HIS laptop!

If it takes a minute for you to grasp the implications of that, don't feel bad, cuz it's a total reversal of what the regime and its Mainstream Media allies have been relentlessly bleating for nearly three years now.  "Dis beez Russian disinformation!  So you must ignore anything they say it contained, cuz it all beez...Russian disinformation!"

But when Hunty's high-priced attorneys made this sworn filing in court a year ago, they tacitly admitted that the entire cover-story about "Russian disinformation"--i.e. the Narrative--was bullshit.  

And of course you DID hear that they admitted this, right?  No?  Gosh...that's...predictable. 

And the kicker is this:  it's not that the White House finally learned that the laptop indeed belonged to Hunty and that its contents were authentic.  Quite the reverse:  the White House and the demons in it knew all along that the Narrative of "Russian disinformation" was utter bullshit.  Totally false.  And yet they brazenly, deliberately lied to you. 

Think about what that means.  Oh, and DO keep voting Democrat, because...reasons.



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