March 11, 2023

Study of 51,000 people shows the more jabs someone takes, the MORE likely you are to get covid

Say, whut dis graphy thingy mean, doctor?

This is the result of a study by the Cleveland Clinic involving a staggering 51,000 people who work for the clinic system and were regularly tested for duh Chyna virus.

Subjects were catagorized by the number of jabs they'd taken, and the vertical axis shows the cumulative percentage of each group who'd tested positive for the virus.

As you can clearly see, the percentage infected rises with the number of times a person took a vax jab.  Moreover, the increase was "monotonic," meaning every added jab made people more likely to get the virus. 

Predictably, execs at the clinic rushed to proclaim that no one should rely on the results since it hadn't been peer-reviewed, and didn't include albino trannies from Bolivia as subjects.  And that the study involved people who did NOT work for the CDC.  And "we'll debunk this study ourselves so please don't yank our federal funding!"

Because this study refutes the regime's Narrative, the pro-vax lobby is FURIOUS, as you'd expect.  The usual bleat is that a study is too small to be statistically significant.  But this study involved 51,000 people, so that bleat fails. They're screaming that the study hasn't been peer-reviewed yet, which is true, but the study is so simple that it's hard to see how it won't pass review.

Oh of the supposedly debunking bleats by the pro-jabbers is that "The start date was arbitrarily chosen."  Of course that's true of EVERY study.   But suddenly the pro-jabbers are claiming an arbitrary start date discredits the study?  What utter bullshit.

The pro-jab lobby bleats that "You MUST take the jab, and every booster!  And if you refuse, a) your precious kids will die! b) it shows you're a stooge of Putin!  and c) it shows you're a "domestic violent extremist!"

Ah, you bet.  Now go die, tyrants.

I really feel sorry for everyone who believed the biden regime's lies--and before biden was installed, the brazen, obvious lies of Fauci, Birx et al--and rushed to take the jab.  You didn't know better, even though the information needed to prove they were lying was readily available.  You just didn't know how to find it.

Some of you will have young, seemingly healthy family members who suddenly die at age 30 or so.  Yes, that does happen--just very rarely.  But because you haven't heard about this happening to anyone else, you believe your family member was just one of the unlucky few.  Having never heard of the wave of excess deaths now showing up in every western nation, you won't connect your family member's death to the jab.

Which is the entire point.  The grifters have to keep that sweet taxpayer cash rolling in, eh?



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