The Left has been trying hard to destroy American society for the past 20 years. Oh, y'say you're skeptical?
The Left has been busily destroying American society for the past 20 years. Anyone with a functioning brain can easily see it: The woke, LGBT shit--relentlesslly pushed by the damn *public schools*--and the sexual grooming of children.
This post isn't about LGBTs and child grooming, but recognizing those trends helps you spot another.
Among the many destructive "wins" by the Left (liberals and Democrats), they've convinced Americans--especially young people--that America's use of carbon fuels is causing the planet to warm, both unusually and fatally.
Obviously, if good people can be convinced that something they're doing is killing the planet, it's totally understandable that they'll be willing to make literally any sacrifice to prevent that.
So because the Left succeeded in its bullshit claim that Americans' use of carbon fuels was "fatally" warming the climate, most Americans are now understandably eager to do literally *anything* the Left demands to (allegedly) "save the planet from Global Warming."
At this point so many Americans believe the Left's claim that "global warming, caused by Americans burning carbon fuel, is killing the planet that they support the biden regime's war on all carbon fuels. That policy is designed to destroy our economy, and is succeeding.
Barring an unlikely turnaround in attitudes, for all practical purposes the Dems/leftists have won the war. Now for the "why:"
Communists/socialists have known for decades that they couldn't out-compete (relatively) free economies. But around 30 years ago they realized they didn't have to. Instead, if they could convince Americans (and the citizens of other western nations) that our use of carbon fuels was killing the planet, Americans would eagerly support politician who would support policies that would destroy our economy--ostensibly to save the planet.
The "global warming" scam was so totally riddled with inconsistencies and contradictions that it should have been ridiculed by all rational adults. For example, in the 1970's Time Magazine screamed that the world was about to enter a new Ice Age. Really. But then when that didn't happen, they changed the scream to "Global Warming!!!" caused by "greenhouse gases"--specifically CO2. But after four years of record-cold winters in the U.S. and Europe, surveys showed people were beginning to doubt that the planet was actually warming.
"Eeek! Can't lose our huge hammer to destroy the West, right? How can we recover without looking like obvious scammers?"
So overnight, without missing a beat, the entire scientific community switched from "global warming" to "climate change," which had the infinite advantage that regardless of what the climate did, the Left could scream that the problem was "climate change."
It was brilliant.
If you want a good look at the Left in bullshit mode, search wiki for "When did "global warming" become "climate change." It's hysterically funny to watch the scammers dodge the question, while claiming to have answered it.
In January of 2018 a pencil-neck moron at the totally Democrat-fellating WaPo wrote
>>"The gradual change in preferred terminology from “global warming” to “climate change” among scientists and politicians began about a decade ago because that’s what their institutions called for.
That's disingenuous: "The institutions" didn't call for anything. Instead the warmies at those universities changed to "climate change" because they'd been getting millions of dollars in government grants to show the results the Left/Democrat party supported--global warming. When the string of record-cold winters seemed to suggest to more Americans that "global warming" might be a hoax, scientists at these universities realized that if they couldn't keep the public alarmed, those millions of dollars would soon diminish. So they changed, virtually overnight, to the impossible-to-disprove term "climate change"--which their Media allies dutifully echoed.
But interestingly, the scientists who piously bleat that the problem is "climate change" are actually only concerned about one direction of change: warming. That's why all the push to cut CO2, methane and now *nitrogen fertilizers, as they're all "greenhouse gases." Meaning they could theoretically increase warming.
Reduction of these gases will kill virtually all advanced economies. This shows that the fast switch to the term "climate change"--in the normal sense they were trying to get people to imagine, meaning either warming OR cooling--was nothing but a bullshit ruse to get voters to keep supporting the scam. And it worked.
Next: If the warmies claimed it was so *awful* and *climate-destroying* for the U.S. to generate electricity from coal-fired plants, why didn't the Left ever bitch at the government of China for opening an average of one new coal-fired plant *every week*?
Don't ask, citizen.
If it was absolutely *awful* and *climate-destroying* for people to cause more than X pounds of CO2 to be emitted per year, why were ALL the so-called "elites" still flying private jets across the Atlantic several times a year to attend conferences and "awards ceremonies," eh?
And the data! A number of sleuths found that NASA and NOAA--the two government agencies that published the "official" U.S. temperature records--had literally changed readings from decades ago, from all over the country--and ALWAYS by reducing the *measured* older temps to make it appear that the climate was warming.
They were repeatedly caught doing this, and when asked what their rationale was for changing actual measured temperatures the agencies blathered and denied and deflected, and said it was all done by a "computer algorithm." But interestingly, they refused to show critics the code of this alleged program.
In other words, their story that "We din' change nuffin'. Any changes wuz done by a computer" was horse-shit.
Other researchers noted that beginning around 1760 explorers of Alaska's coast had drawn maps of the where the ends of glaciers in the bays they explored were, relative to other topographic features. Every later expedition--without exception--mapped those same glaciers steadily retreating. By 1900 some had retreated over 20 miles from when they were first mapped.
But the amount of CO2 added to the atmosphere by human activity between 1780 and 1900 was microscopic. So if, as the Left claimed, global warming was due to rising CO2, what was causing all those glaciers to retreat before 1900, eh?
" know...uh..." They didn't have an answer. The communists/leftists pushing the scam refused to respond. They simply ignored the question, hoping no one would notice. And of course virtually no one *did* notice.
In Antarctica scientists discovered that "cores" from ice sheets thousands of feet thick could be dated by counting thin layers of dust that appeared each summer. The ice also contained trapped air bubbles that allowed scientists to determine the abundance of CO2 when the ice was formed.
The ice also contained dust that contained thousands of microscopic sea creatures called diatoms--which still exist today. The detailed shape of those diatoms gave us a proxy for temperature.
At that point the U.S. and USSR began drilling and taking "cores" of ice down to the bottom of the ice-pack, up to 14,000 feet deep--a record of 800,000 years. The cores were analyzed, and both the percent of CO2 and the temperature were plotted on the same time scale. And WOW!--the two plots matched SO well--ostensibly proving that increases in CO2 caused temperatures to increase.
Papers were written and published. The warmies were certain that this proved their claim that CO2 caused the climate to warm. Yay!
But then other scientists looked at the results more closely. Turned out that the two plots were indeed parallel, rising and falling together over 800,000 years. But when plotted more carefully, turned out that instead of temperature changes *following* the CO2 changes, it was the reverse: CO2 was found to increase around 200 years AFTER temperature increased.
And of course you know what that means, right?
If CO2 follows temperature, obviously rising CO2 levels can't possibly be causing temperature to increase.
Bottom line: As long as you believe CO2 and methane and nitrogen fertilizers are causing a dangerous, unprecedented amount of
Just like the Democrats' bleat--slavishly echoed by their Media supporters--that duh fake "vaccine" was "safe and effective."
Just like the biden regimes' ORDER--fully supported by Democrat pols--that every working American had to take the jab or be fired.
Just like the Democrats' bleat that crime is DOWN under the regime, but even if it's not, what we need to do is let rapists and carjacker and muggers and drug dealers walk out of jail within hours of arrest--cuz dat make us all safer. Yep yep yep.
Of like the Democrats' bleat that airlines must hire a certain percentage of diversity hires, regardless.
Whenever the Dems--or any party's leaders--demand that you do or not do something, before you obey, CHECK YOUR PREMISES. Do your research. They lie...constantly, to line their own pockets and win re-election.
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