February 15, 2023

Disaster after the regime burns spilled deadly chemicals after train derailment. WHAT DID YOU EXPECT?

How do you think a "president" chooses people to head the biggest federal agencies--i.e. the folks who will be members of his "Cabinet"?

Obviously presidents don't have time to evaluate, say, 100 candidates for each post.  Instead his "advisors" give him a name, sometimes two.  So Pete Buttigeig would never have been selected unless a huge majority of the gang of White House "advisors" were absolutely giddy about the idea.

Buttigeig had zero experience with transportation.  He was a crappy mayor of a small town.  His ONLY "positive point" (to biden's Democrat advisors) was that he was a homosexual, openly married to a man.  So appointing this unqualified person to head the entire department of transportation would curry favor with gays and trannies.

That was the MAIN reason this glib incompetent was appointed.  (There was another reason--carefully hidden:  Appointing a gay, married to a man, to a top-level post would de-moralize normal Americans, and make the U.S. look ridiculous to 95% of the world.  That alone would have gotten Pete the position.)

So...a few of you may have heard about the huge train derailment in Palestine, Ohio.  Even fewer of you know that the derailed cars included 20 filled with toxic chemicals.  Even fewer know that instead of dumping tons of absorbing "kitty litter" on the spill, loading it up an burying it in a toxic landfill, the feds decided to deliberately cut holes in any derailed tank cars that hadn't been ruptured in the crash, drain all the toxic chemicals into a ditch and then--unbelievably--burn them, producing a huge black cloud of deadly gases.

So the question all Americans should be asking is: What the hell did biden's Democrat advisors (handlers) expect would happen when they pushed Porridgebrain to appoint the charming but TOTALLY unqualified gay small-town mayor to head the Transporation department?

Oh, dat right:   You don't care.  What mattered to you was winning the votes of gays and trannies in the next election.  

Again: What did you think would happen when you chose this guy?


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