In Disney's "woke" new Star Wars universe, Luke Skywalker is...wait, did you already guess?
The former Soviet Union had lots of smart people. So it surely occurred to some of them decades ago that despite all the alleged "wonders" and advantages of communism, the total output of communist countries not only didn't seem to be catching up with free economies, but seemed to actually be losing ground.
After much effort studying that problem, communist strategists figured out a way to get western societies to essentially kill themselves. From Russian history they'd found that citizens who don't think their current society is worth saving won't lift a finger to save it.
This may seem obvious today, but it takes weeks to really grasp the full picture.
Thus toward the end of WW1, communist agents were able to get entire battalions of Russian troops to desert, essentially by convincing them that society was just using them, and was unfair and rigged against them. So why bother fighting to save such a corrupt, unfair system, eh comrade?
Over the next 30 years communist theorists gradually formalized these principles, calling it "demoralization." And it's crucial to understand that while English speakers take this as lowering morale--"getting people despair of the possibility of a good result"--the Russian word refers to cutting the enemy's people loose from *morals,* so that they believe nothing is worth saving or fighting for.
A great way to demoralize a society is to make public art and government buildings hideously ugly, repulsive. Art museums get staffed by communists, who praise and display ghastly parodies of "art," expressly to get people to lose any feeling for great, inspiring art.
The government begins to appoint gays married to men, and trannies, to Cabinet-level positions, leading most citizens to realize that the country has lost its way. Corruption becomes the norm. "Childrens' hospitals" make millions by mutilating healthy bodies of kids under 16, and post videos bragging about offering "gender-affirming surgeries."
Entertainment becomes...debased. So television networks fawn over creatures like Lizzo and obscene rappers. Netflix and HBO run shows praising trannies--each one sucking in another 100,000 confused kids.
Heroes are ridiculed and destroyed--including presidents like Thomas Jefferson, Teddy Roosevelt and Abe Lincoln. Instead the Media heap fawning, slobbering praise on corrupt morons like Obama, Biden and the Clintons.
The corruption--"de-moralization"--is so thorough that even the once-wholesome Disney empire now has lesbian "creative directors" who brag--on camera!--about explicitly ensuring that queer characters are prominently featured in every film. They even dream about making films where the main character is either queer or trans.
And in that vein we now come to the lead character of the classic adventure movie "Star Wars:" It's been 45 years since Luke Skywalker anchored the first episode. The fabulously-profitable Disney empire bought the Star Wars franchise ten years ago (for $4 BILLION) and has since run it into the ground, but it's about to get worse:
In June of last year Disney hired a "gay activist" named Sam Maggs to write a story depicting Luke Skywalker as being attracted to a man. Maggs "openly admits to including queer characters in her work as part of her mission to promote LGBTQ+ representation in the media."
The gay/tranny wokies at Disney were absolutely giddy about the concept.
Normally this would be quickly forgotten...except that since Disney bought the Star Wars franchise, the wokies at Disney now seem to have officially made "gay" part of Luke's character.
So in our new, de-moralized society, 45 years after the character's debut on the screen as a "normal" teenager, Luke has been forced into the gay/trans camp. I hear one of the story "treatments" being considered has Luke marrying another man, adopting twin babies and being named Secretary of Transportation.
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