October 04, 2022

Somali, Kenyan, Ethiopian group steals $250 MILLION intended to feed kids. Media yawns, judges don't even detain 'em

Justice.  Used to be a basic principle in the U.S.  No longer.

In the leftist shithole of Minneapolis, more than 48 people were *initially* indicted in a scheme to defraud the federal government by taking money meant to feed poor children.

Democrats: "Dat can't be enough money to worry about!"

Really?  The take appears to have involved a quarter of a BILLION dollars.  That's not a typo: The alleged fraud is $250 MILLION.

And the kicker is, amost none of the four dozen people charged have been "detained," including the ringleader.

Really.  The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Minneapolis says that even though three of the suspects have already fled the U.S. for Ethiopia, Democrat prosecutors still don't consider most of the others to pose a flight risk and have not asked judges to detain them.

Authorities allege that Aimee Bock, who founded the so-called "nonprofit" called Feeding Our Future, led a conspiracy to bilk taxpayers out of $250 million that was supposed to fund meals for needy children during the pandemic. Investigators say Bock and 47 others set up phony meal sites, filled out fraudulent reimbursement forms, then spent the ill-gotten proceeds on real estate, luxury cars, and travel.

Last Tuesday founder Bock pleaded not guilty to all charges--and walked out of the courthouse after the government did not request that she be detained.

Why (other than incompetence) do ya think prosecutors would let the ringleader of a quarter-BILLION-dollar fraud walk out without being detained?  Answer: one or more government officials were involved, and the Democrats don't want that to come out.  If they jailed Aimee, she'd rat out those officials.  So they let her walk free, and will plea-bargain the fraud down to some variation of "mistake in paperwork."


To cover for this malfeasance by prosecutors, the paper found a former federal prosecutor who teaches law at a local university who said "It’s unusual to jail defendants even in major fraud cases."  Mark Osler said detention is "typically" reserved for people accused in terrorism or narcotics cases.

Tell us, professor: How many fraud cases do ya see where the amount of the fraud is a quarter of a BILLION dollars, eh?  You'd certainly think that with that much money vanished, every one of the perps--most of whom were Ethiopian or Somali--would have a million or so stashed, and would be a huge risk to flee the country, so you'd want to prevent that, eh?

Oh wait...three of the accused fraudsters--Abdikerm Eidleh, Abdiwahab Aftin and Fahad Nur have already fled the country, and others have tried.  Those who have ALREADY fled will never be returned for trial.  What makes any stupid prosecutor say "Well they're not *really* a flight risk, Sparky"?

Another defendant—Mekfira Hussein—bought a one-way ticket to Ethiopia for the day the indictments were announced. Among other things, Hussein is alleged to have written a $93,000 check to a Porsche dealer with stolen money.

Prosecutors supposedly "raised concerns" about Hussein, but the judge "inexplicably" ordered Hussein and two other defendants to be released after they assured the court that they’d handed over their passports.  Cuz no judge or prosecutor would never *imagine* that a fraudster might just possibly have two passports--one U.S. and one from Ethiopia or Kenya or Somalia, right?  I mean, it's just impossible to believe.

But duh judge put the fear into her, warning Hussein that if she fled the U.S., law enforcement would “spare no effort to find you and then have you brought back.”  That'll do it.

Another defendant, Liban Yasin Alishire, is accused of stealing $1.6 million and spending some of it on luxury property in Kenya.  An IRS agent testified that when he went to Alishire’s house to arrest him, he initially wouldn’t come to the door.  Then when asked about his passport, said he didn’t have one. But his wife eventually handed it over.

So you may be wondering about that "no bail needed" ruling.  Fortunately we have that brilliant law professor, Mark Osler, who assures us "Unlike defendants in state courts, those in the federal system do not have to put up money to get out of jail before trial. They’re typically freed after promising to return to court under the threat of detention.

Ah, so duh professor assures us that "those in the federal system do not have to put up money to get out of jail before trial," eh?  That will come as a big surprise to all the Jan 6th prisoners, who have been in the DC jail for 20 months now, no release, and have NEVER been offered bail.  I get the strong impression Osler is a total leftist Democrat, who conveniently ignores any fact that doesn't jibe with his bullshit.

But of course the Jan6 protesters are almost entirely white and have families here in the U.S, while the food fraudsters are almost all Kenyan, Somali and Ethiopian, with dual passports and families overseas.  So if you're looking at "flight risk" it makes perfect sense to jail the J6-ers and leave the $250-million thieves free to flee, eh?

These are the same prosecutors who heartily approve of FBI agents handcuffing former Trump aides for making what the FBLie claims are false statements.  No drug charges, no terrorism, just alleged false statements.  Yet they're cuffed and jailed.

Under the biden regime, and corrupt courts and Soros-elected prosecutors, we no longer have even a vague semblance of "justice" in this country.

Anyone wanna take bets on the eventual verdicts and sentences for the 48 fraudsters?  C'mon, man...with the Dems running everything, you already know.



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