September 29, 2022

Wow, isn't this BOOMING economy great? Stock market: "Uh...sure. This is just an 'expected correction' "

At the first of this year the Nasdaq was 15,833   Right now (9/29) it's 10,704, meaning it's lost 32% since the beginning of the year.

Democrat voter: "Well maybe, but everyone knows the NASDAQ is 'tech-heavy,' and that 'tech stocks' have wild up-and-down price swings for no reason at all, so this is just a wild swing, not unexpected."

Ah.  Well then let's look at the Dow Industrials.  On 1/1 the Dow was 36,585.  Right now the Dow is at 29,070.  Of course there are still two hours of trading today, so it could trim the current 600-point loss.  But if it doesn't, the Dow will be down 20% this year.

Or the S&P 500: Started the year at 4,796.  Right now it's at 3,619, so down 24.5% or so.

But the Media and the regime lackeys keep telling us the economy is booming.  That is SUCH a relief, eh?  Cuz for a few days there some of us thought maybe we might have been in a "recession."  Fortunately the regime and every member of the Mainstream Media quickly told us the economy was actually booming.

"Greatest recovery in history," they said.  "Due entirely to our faaaabulous Democrats passing bills spending $2 TRILLION"-- that we didn't have, but that your senile preznit quickly signed into LAWS.

So obviously those laws worked as designed--just like the "vaccines."  "Safe...and effective." 


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