Court case on decade-old Obozo policy finally nearer to ruling; NBC says Biden regime plans to defy the courts
The piece below applies to current events, but requires 300 words of background. Stay with it.
Back when Obama was emperor (since Dems gave him the power to unilaterally decree or repeal "laws" without having to leave that to "congress"), he and his Democrat Party wanted a million more Dem votes, to ensure they would win all future presidential elections.
Hmmm...back in 2010 they didn't have Dominion or "all-mail voting" to help 'em steal elections, so Obama's handlers hit on a clever plan: 800,000 children of illegal aliens had been brought into the U.S. by their parents. Since the kids had no choice in the matter, and some had been in the U.S. since they were very young, the Dems were confident that no Republican politician would oppose a LAW allowing all of them to remain in the U.S. forever.
So the Dems introduced a bill called the "Dream Act." Illinois Democrat senator Dick Durbin made its passage a top priority for 2007. And, since the thuggish Durbin realized passage would be tough, in classic Dem tactics he moved to add its provisions as an amendment to a "must-pass" bill--in this case the 2008 Defense Authorization Bill that funds the U.S. armed forces.
Clever, eh? Or perhaps a better word is "cunning."
Like all Democrat/"Progressive" bills, the name "Dream Act" was carefully crafted to sound absolutely delightful, even though it potentially added 800,000 new Democrat votes. The actual name was the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act, which shows you how hard they worked to make the acronym "Dream." "Development," really? But this warping of reality allowed Dems and the media to call the poor wee ninos "Dreamers," tugging at the public's heartstrings--which was the sole purpose of the cutesy name.
Problem for the Dems was that the public didn't like it, so the Dems couldn't get it to pass. In fact Durbin got so much pushback that he was forced to "table" (withdraw) his own amendment.
Durbin and the Dems introduced the bill again in 2009 and tried to pass it in 2010, again by adding it to the must-pass Defense Authorization Act. Again it failed. They tried again in 2011, with the same result. So in 2012 emperor Obama simply ordered his lackeys to stop deporting any illegal who met the criteria in the failed Dream Act.
Then on June 15th, 2012, Obama announced a formal version of this policy, called "DACA." The emperor did this NOT by an Executive Order, which would have made it clear to Americans that he was formally assuming the role of emperor. Instead the cunning son of a bitch did it by issuing an "Executive Memo."
See? Not the same thing at all, citizen. Totally different. Yep yep yep.
Now, following the classic Democrat deception, DACA was given a name that totally disguised its actual effect. So instead of calling it "Amnesty for Illegal Alien kids"--which is what it actually was--the emperor called it "Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals." Arrivals? Sounds like tourists getting off a plane. Nothing in that name hints at what it really does. Which was the point.
And what "action" is being deferred? Deportation. But the name doesn't say that, cuz that might cost precious votes!
So...if a Democrat emperor can't get a law passed, just issue an Executive Memo that does whatever you want, confident that the Repubs will be too scared to impeach the emperor (which they definitely were).
But the emperor wasn't done yet, by a long shot: Now convinced that he could get away with absolutely anything, in November 2014 (two years after DACA effectively changed U.S. law) Obama announced his intention to expand DACA to allow millions more illegal aliens to enter the U.S. permanently. (Wiki calls them "undocumented immigrants.") The Dems called the new policy "DAPA," and in classic Dem fashion the name of the ORDER offered no clue at all to the actual effect:
DAPA stood for "Deferred action for parents of Americans." See, the phrase "deferred action" was so successful in disguising the true purpose of the first illegal act that the emperor's handlers instantly decided to use it again. But that's small potatoes compared to the outright lie of the phrase "for parents of Americans." Because the "Americans" the executive order covered were...wait for it...the illegal immigrant kids who were allowed to stay in the U.S. by the emperor's DACA decree.
So, not just a name that disguised the effect, but a flat-out lie. Par for the emperor and his party.
DAPA would have allowed unlimited chain migration, so 26 states immediately sued to block it. (Wiki cunningly phrases this as simply "multiple states," make readers think perhaps 3 or 4. Technically accurate but totally misleading--almost like the authors of the Wiki are writing pro-Democrat "disinformation." Cunning.)
One year later a federal judge ruled the emperor's new DECREE allowing parents of kid illegally in the U.S. to enter and stay was itself illegal, and ordered federal employees not to obey that order.
As you surely guessed, obama ordered his DOJ to appeal.
It took ANOTHER YEAR for this lawsuit to be heard by the supreme court, but on June 23,
2016 a 4-4 vote found for the suing states and against Obama.
In November of that year, Donald Trump was elected president. On June 15, 2017, Trump's head of Homeland Security signed a memo rescinding DAPA, ending the matter. The White House announced it would also end DACA if Congress was unable to pass it into law within six months. Congress did not do that, and Trump's DHS rescinded that policy too.
Pro-illegal attorneys immediately sued, and a federal judge ruled that without considering whether DACA was legal, Trump could NOT rescind that "Executive Memo."
So let's review: Obama could DECREE a radical new immigration policy--effectively changing U.S. immigration law by decree, since the Dems couldn't pass a law to change it--but a later president was barred by the new ruling from rescinding that same DECREE by issuing his own Executive Order.
Yep, that's what happened.
NOW: A full ten years after obama effectively defied U.S. law (which he lacked the authority to do but which cowardly Republicans refused to impeach him for), the case to decide whether the emperor's DECREE allowing 800,000 illegals to stay in the U.S. indefinitely was illegal is still making its way through the courts. But most legal experts agree that it's about to be ruled illegal by the 5th Circuit, probably within a week or two.
SO...NBC claims the biden regime plans to appeal that ruling to the Supreme Court. But many analysts believe the SC will agree with the 5th circuit that the policy was illegal from the outset. So NBC claims the biden regime is prepared to "take steps" to allow illegals that Obama allowed to stay in the U.S. to continue to remain in the U.S.
You may well wonder how the regime could do that without defying the Supreme Court.
That's a great point, pilgrim--right up there with "How did the regime have the power to ORDER every American who worked for a big company to take the experimental non-vaccine "vax"?
Or "How can the regime send $80 BILLION in cash and weapons to Ukraine without a specific law being passed in congress allowing that?"
Or "How can the regime allow two MILLION illegals to walk into the U.S. in violation of U.S. immigration laws, and yet stay here forever without being deported?"
Or "How can the regime ORDER the halting of construction of a pipeline that had received every environmental permit required, and was already half-built?
Those are REALLY good questions. And the answer is, because he can't be removed via impeachment--for two reasons. First, it takes 67 votes in the senate to "convict and remove," and even if Republicans win a majority in the House and could impeach, there aren't nearly enough votes in the senate needed to convict and remove him.
The second reason is that even if we had those votes, impeaching Porridgebrain means Cackles would assume the presidency...and no sane person wants Cackles as president.
So because biden's party carefully hand-picked a total moron as VP (while visiting South Korea she said have an alliance with North Korea), then until January of 2025 biden's handlers (who really run the regime) can do literally anything they want--no matter how totally unconstitutional or insane--and can't be blocked.
And what should scare every good American is...biden's handlers know it.
Of course defying the Supreme Court would be a real firestorm for the Dems. But fortunately for them, it won't happen before the crucial midterm elections.
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