September 29, 2022

Kamala: "The U.S. alliance with the Republic of NORTH Korea." Wait...what?

Democrats: "Our vice-president was hand-picked by the president because of her faaabulous intellect and instant grasp of issues.  So she is NOT dumb!  If she were dumb, he never would have picked her as his VP!  So neener neener neener!"

Really?  Kammie just made a "state visit" to Korea.  In the Demilitarized Zone she made a major "state speech" representing the country she represents...which is the United States, which is a country that borders Canada.  And Mexico.  And she has an enduring relationship with the United States, just like the U.S. has a very important relationship, which is an alliance with the Republic of...wait, what?

Wait...SURELY even the moronic, hand-picked Democrat female VP isn't dumb enough to have actually said we share an alliance with NORTH Korea...would she?

See for yourself.

Wonder what her South Korean hosts made of that, eh? 

Now I'll readily admit that Kammie was just reading what the abysmally incompetent people who really run this ghastly embarrassment of a government wrote for her.  But those are the people running the country.

Thanks, Democrats.


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