September 24, 2022

Worthless uniparty "congress" to spend $62 million on...tearing down ~1,100 statues?? What??

You know, the regime is so flush with extra money that we should spend $62 million on some reeeally good program, eh?

And by great luck, "your" congress has created a "Naming Commission" that's about to do that.

Of course you think a "naming commission" couldn't do too much damage since it would be concerned with...wait for it..."naming," eh?

Hahahahahaha!  Silly American!  By design, no law or agency or policy of a Dem regime EVER does what the name says.  It's like the government in Orwell's "1984:"
  "War is peace.  Freedom is slavery.  Ignorance is strength."

(In the regime's update it's "DIEversity is our strength.")  

SO...the "Naming Commission" has *decreed*--with support from both sides of the shitty Uniparty--that the regime will spend $62 MILLION of your tax dollars to demolish 1,100 statues your wokie rulers don't like.

Among those is a statue in Arlington, Virginia, memorializing the Confederacy.  The so-called "Naming Commission" claims the memorial--crafted by Moses Ezekiel, an artist once likened to Michelangelo--is “problematic from top to bottom.”

For those unfamiliar with bafflegab, "problematic" is bureaubabble for "We gon' tear it down but we don't wanna tell you why cuz it would make us look too much like tyrants."

But surprisingly, they told us anyway, claiming the problem is that the memorial implies that the Confederacy was a “noble cause." But at the time, even the Washington Post described the monument as representing “peace.”

If your IQ is over room temperature you might well wonder how the hell that changed.

Indeed, the artist himself said he intended it as a monument to peace.  He said the men who actually fought for the South weren't fighting to uphold slavery but for a constitutional right.

In his memoirs Ezekiel wrote: “None of us fought for slavery and in fact opposed it.  It was an evil that we inherited and wanted to get rid of. Our struggle…was simply a constitutional one.”

Even Obama continued the healing tradition of sending a wreath to the Confederate Memorial.

But now a group of wokie congresswhores wants to tear down that memorial to healing and peace--cuz biden sed he wuz gonna "unify duh country."  Yeah.  So makes perfect sense, eh?


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