September 07, 2022

Detailed observations about why young, in-shape athletes have been dropping dead

If you're squeamish (for those who attended public school that means you feel sick when discussing surgery and similar), do NOT read this!

If you've been paying attention (spoiler: you haven't, cuz you're too busy making a living, to feed your family and pay the outrageous taxes the gruberment demands, or trying to get a degree, or whatever) you may have heard rumors about hundreds of young athletes (age 15 to 30) in top condition suddenly dropping dead on the court or playing field.

Does any of that ring a bell?  Cuz the Lying Mainstream Media sure hasn't breathed a word about it.  Just people on the Net--and you've been told that you can't trust what you see or read on the Net--which is fair enough.  People do make things up.

But what the Elites have a far harder time explaining are hundreds of video clips of live TV broadcasts showing athletes dropping dead on-court, or TV "newsreaders" passing out live on camera.  

Yeah, we know: skilled people can use computer graphics to fake video.  But it would take a TON of work to fake ALL the videos you can find of people dropping like an anvil.  And what would be the payoff for someone to do all this work to make it appear that people were dropping dead?

Now, before we start: Why is this important to you as a young American?  It's because if you're a college student, the evil rat-bastards who rule universities with a fucking iron hand (and they do) DECREED that all their students HAD to take the faaaaabulous "vax" for duh Chyna virus.  So you took it.

(I call it a "vax" because it's most definitely NOT a "vaccine," which has always been defined as a shot that would prevent you from getting a disease.  This vax does NOT.)

So here we go.  Remember, I warned ya.

When a person dies, unless they're to be cremated the body is "embalmed."  This involves putting a catheter into a large artery, draining all the blood and replacing it with "embalming fluid"--a mixture of formaldehyde and alcohols.

Again, if you're squeamish, bail out now.
Beginning in 2021 many embalmers have noticed something they've never seen before: the drained blood contains many long, rubbery clot-like structures, from a few inches to several feet long.  And spectroscopic analysis shows the chemical composition of these thing doesn't match that of a normal blood clot.  In other words, these are NOT normal blood clots.

The "elites" have ignored these observations.  Hmmm...wonder why, eh?

The hypothesis is that these bizarre clots could be caused by the vax.  But the "medical establishment" refuses to consider that, thus refuses to do any research--cuz if the hypothesis is right, informed, rational people wouldn't take any more of duh wunnerful vaxes, eh?  Result: billions of dollars of lost revenue.

You may have heard about the vax being called the "clot shot."  This is why.

To re-state the obvious:  No one knows the cause of these unusual clots.  May not be the vaxes.  Could be a side-effect of duh Chyna virus itself.  Or maybe caused by sunspots.  Or Global Warming, or Martians.  But you'd think an honest, rational person would want to at least investigate, eh?

But your rulers don't.  Which tells you everything you need to know.

Mike Adams run an ISO-17025 accredited lab in Texas.  He reportedly used a *very* sophisticated group of analyzers to find the chemical composition of the unusual clots.  The results showed them to contain far less iron, potassium, magnesium and zinc than normal blood--which obviously shows they aren't normal blood clots.

Here's the comparison between normal blood and the unusual clots:
    Element     Normal blood     "unusual clot"
  Magnesium     35 ppm              1.7 ppm
  Potassium     1,893 ppm           12.5 ppm
  Iron                 462 ppm            20.6 ppm
  Copper             1 ppm               0.3 ppm
  Zinc                7.9 ppm             2.4 ppm
  Aluminum      1.3 ppm             1.6 ppm
  Sodium           1,050 ppm        1,500 ppm
  Carbon          137,288 ppb       152,845 ppb
  Calcium          74 ppm             23.8 ppm
  Tin                 163 ppb              943 ppb
  Chlorine         930 ppm            290 ppm
  Phosphorus    1,130 ppm        4,900 ppm

Notice that the clots have a lot less of most elements than normal blood--almost no iron or magnesium--but more tin, phosphorus, aluminum and sodium.  This should be a clue.

If the mere presence of clot-like structures several feet long in people who died "suddenly" isn't enough to set off your alarms, the difference in chemical composition should settle the matter:  If Adams's work is accurate, it shows that these structures are NOT normal clots.

These structures have been reported by embalmers with up to 50 years of experience.  All reported finding more bodies with these unusual clots beginning in the summer of 2021--after millions of Americans had taken the jab.

Embalmers who have reported these findings emphasize that they're not doctors or scientists, but say they know what normal blood looks like--and that what they're seeing is NOT normal.

Many have said that when they've reported finding the unusual clots, and speculated that they might be related to the first-ever mRNA vaxes, they were sneering dismissed because they weren't doctors or scientists--which is a way to get people to shut up.

In conclusion: The corrupt assholes who run the gruberment refuse to acknowledge these many reports--let alone to investigate them.  You've already guessed why.  The rulers claim it doesn't matter that tens of thousands of Americans have died from these bizarre "clots"--because according to the corrupt rulers, like Fraudci, the vax supposedly saves more lives than the deaths it may possibly cause.  But they sure don't want to know, just in case.

And people who voluntarily took the jab don't want to know if the vax causes these unusual clots because they can't undo their *choice* to take the jab.

But if you did take the jab, the good news is that since you're still alive and well a year after you took it, chances are good that you won't get the bizarre clots.  But unless you're a sheep, I sure as hell wouldn't take any *future* jabs billed as "Oooh, if you don't take this you'll DIE of duh Covids!"

"Wait, my college says there's a NEW, IMPROVED vax for duh BA.5 variant (whatever that is), and they told us we couldn't attend classes unless we take it as soon as it was approved!  I understand it was approved last week.  What should I do?"

Change universities.  And write a letter to your college newzpaper telling 'em why you're doing it.  Use very blunt, shocking language so they get the point.  If you don't have a good collection of shocking language, ask an alpha male to help.

Oh, and fuck all college adminishits and corruptocrats.  And FJB.  And all Democrat dictators.



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