September 25, 2022

Mainstream Media: "It's outrageous for a president to support a war halfway around the world! Unless..."

Your doddering, senile preznit is finally starting to become an embarrassment even to the other sewer-dwelling denizens of DC.

Consider Ukraine: Offering to let Ukraine join NATO was as much of a threat to Russia as nuclear-tipped Russian missiles in Cuba to the U.S. (For young Americans, google "Cuban missile crisis.")  Democrat icon JFK didn't allow that, so it would be hypocritical to blame the Russians for not allowing the same threat to them.  

biden's handlers could have removed the provocation by quietly telling the Russians the U.S. wouldn't support NATO membership for Ukraine.  But they didn't, despite Putin clearly stating this was the problem. (Whether this was just an excuse will never be known.)  In other words, biden's handlers could have eliminated the alleged reason for the Russian invasion, but chose not to.  

No experienced adult could be surprised when Putin reacted in much the same way as JFK--which is to say, as intelligent people expected.

Until Ukraine, Democrats/liberals would have claimed to be appalled--outraged!--that the U.S. would pour 80 billion dollars into supporting a war against Russia halfway around the world.  According to Dems that's something only a right-wing extremist president would do!

The NY Times and WaPo would have expected this from the neocons, but never from a Democrat!  Those of you who were adults during VietNam may recall that the Post and the Times absolutely blasted Nixon for U.S. involvement in that country, conveniently forgetting that JFK and Lyndon Johnson started our involvement there.  But liberals and American communists knew they could score big wins by blasting Nixon and ignoring JFK and LBJ.  

The NYT and WaPo surely realize that while one obviously sympathizes with the invaded Ukrainians, from a strategic standpoint it makes no sense at all.  Which prompts one to ask, why did biden's handlers do it, and why do they continue to support the war?

Much as I'd like to invoke some elaborate conspiracy, I think the explanation is far simpler: I think biden's handlers started to believe their own propaganda that Putin helped Trump steal the 2016 election from their queen, Hilliary, so they were eager to bring about the defeat of Putin in his invasion.  And there's no question that Americans saw the footage of the devastated Ukrainian cities and wanted to help.'s now being reported that six weeks after the invasion, negotiators for the two sides quietly began meeting to see if a peace deal could be crafted.  And they reportedly reached a tentative deal, only to have the biden regime object.  It's said that biden's handlers wanted to “weaken” Russia--perhaps as punishment for supposedly colluding with their arch-nemesis Trump.

If both sides had reached a tentative accord, every good American would think the biden regime would support it, to end the killing and destruction of Ukrainian cities.  Reporters and editors at the NYT and WaPo would expect a "warmongering right-wing extremist" like OrangeMan to block a peace deal, but not their Dear Leader biden.  It's totally inconceivable.

Yet biden just addressed the UN General Assembly vowing to continue to support Ukraine.

Not a word about any possible peace talks.  And of course you trust that if a tentative agreement had been reached between the two sides, the WaPo and NYT would surely have told you, right?  Cuz they want peace, right?  And they keep telling you the Democrats are the peace party while the Rethuglicans are the warmongers, right?

And yet here we are, with the economies of the EU nations being devastated by the loss of Russian gas and oil, due to the trade embargo pushed by...biden's handlers.  A handful of experts at Yale claim Russia may be looking at a drop of 20% in GDP as a result of sanctions...and while biden's handlers may think that's great, that also translates into a huge loss for nations that exported to Russia.

Consider the U.S. stock market response of just the past week:  The huge drop was a very clear way of investors weighing in with their vote on the future--a future engineered by biden's handlers.  It's a strong no-confidence vote in the Democrat party’s policies.

Top that off with the utter, total corruption of every government agency, the endless torrent of lies from high places, the Gestapo-like thuggery of the DOJ and FBI, and the astounding new twists in government-promoted sexual mutilation of American children under the guise of the Orwellian label "gender affirmation surgery."

It's unbelievable.  And yet we are.

We are now 21 months down the ghastly path most of us knew the Dems would be taking our abused nation.  If you Democrats truly believe the 2020 election was honest, then this is what you voted for.

Hope you're all happy about what you did.

Any buyer’s remorse yet?  Nah, didn't think so. 


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