There appears to have been serious, organized fraud in the 2020 census that has given Dems extra House seats
The Deep State appears to have deliberately sabotaged THE method by which House seats are apportioned, to prevent Dem-ruled states from losing seats they should have lost, and to prevent GOP-ruled states from gaining seats.
A survey after the 2020 census revealed that the Census Bureau significantly undercounted the population of five GOP states--Florida, Arkansas, Illinois, Mississippi, Tennessee and Texas--while overcounting the population of eight states, all but one of which is a blue state.
The overcounted states were Delaware, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island and Utah.
These errors were discovered when the Census Bureau interviewed a large number of householders across the country and compared the answers from those interviews with what the original census response said.
The largest overcount percentage error happened in Democrat-ruled Delaware--which by coincidence is the home of fake-president biden. The reported data overcounted that state’s population by 5.45%.
Rhode Island and Minnesota were also overcounted by 5.05% and 3.84%, respectively, allowing each to keep a congressional seat to which it shouldn't have been entitled.
The follow-up survey showed that Minnesota had almost 217,000 *fewer* people than the original census results showed. That's hugely significant because if the original census had reported just 26 fewer residents than it claimed, Minnesota would have lost a congressional seat. Hmmm...
How could an honest census overcount by 217,000 people? And remember that the later quality-check just asked a sample of respondents to confirm the number of people living in their household as of the date of the original response. Do you think lots of households simply reported *more* people living there than actually were? Or that they just couldn't count to six?
Of course not. This was fraud.
Another indicator: If the errors in the original counts were honest, they should have been randomly distributed, meaning the numbers of both over- and undercounted states should have been about equal for each party. But ALL FIVE of the undercounted states were GOP, while seven of the eight overcounted states were Democrat.
In the absence of fraud, in events with just two possible outcomes--like heads or tails in a coin toss, or an overcount happening in either a red or blue state--the odds of getting seven out of eight overcounts to favor Democrat states are one in 128.
Similarly, the odds of getting all five undercounts to penalize GOP states are one out of 32.
Democrat-ruled Rhode Island would have lost a seat if the census had reported it as having 19,000 fewer residents than were claimed. But the quality-check survey showed that the state actually had 55,000 *fewer* residents than the original census claimed. So since congressional seats are apportionment by the original, claimed results, Rhode Island has an extra seat in congress that it shouldn't have.
And again: How the hell could an *honest* process of counting heads claim to have found 55,000 more people than the quality-check survey found?
The answer, again, is that the claimed result was fraudulent. People need to go to prison for this--but of course no one will. No one will even be charged.
So both states will continue to have more Democrat seats in congress than they should have had--and more votes in the Electoral College, than they should.
Contrast that with Texas, which the quality-check survey found had over a half a million *more* residents than the original census workers reported. Since Texas only needed 189,000 more residents than the census reported to gain a seat in the House, that means Texas, like Florida, was cheated out of an additional seat in Congress--thus an additional vote in the Electoral College.
In Arkansas, the quality survey showed the state had 150,000 *more* residents than the original census showed. While we might imagine that many people ducking the original census, the follow-up survey just went back to households that had responded, asking them if the response originally reported was accurate. Does the Deep State really expect us to believe householders didn't know how many people were living there?
How could an honest count miss 150,000 people?
These errors also mean that overcounted states will receive more of the $150 Billion in federal funds that are distributed to the states each year on the based on the populations claimed by the census, while undercounted states will get less than they should.
Now: Just like the 2020 election, once the fraudulent results are reported, that's the end of it. There is no statutory remedy to correct such a fraud.
The errors found were up to five percent. By huge contrast, the follow-up survey conducted after the 2010 census showed an error rate of only 0.01%--smaller by a factor of several hundred times.
If Republicans are honest they'll investigate how this massive, unrecoverable fraud occurred. We have to ensure that this can't happen again.
Unfortunately, just like the 2020 election, there's apparently no way to undo this fraud until the next census eight years from now.
In the census, as in elections, fraudulent counts have catastrophic consequences.
And on the topic of the census, it's worth recalling that no one knows how many "U.S. residents" are non-citizens. So to find the answer, in 2018 the Trump administration proposed adding a simple question to the 2020 census: "Are you a U.S. citizen?"
Democrats went ballistic. "How DARE you ask people if they're U.S. citizens? That's (sputter!) unconstitutional!"
Except that's horseshit. The census has routinely asked questions like "How many bathrooms in your house or apartment?" There is no controlling legal authority on what the census can ask residents. (In fact up through 1950 that question was included many times.)
But Democrats complained that asking that question would cause some illegal aliens to avoid responding to the census for fear that self-identifying as illegal aliens might put them at risk of being deported.
Democraps argued that such an error could result in an undercount of the population of "some" states. (The fact that any such undercount would be due totally to people illegally in the country choosing not to respond to the legal requirement to be counted went over the court's head.)
Hmmm, which states might have their reported population most affected by this dodging, eh? Sure: so-called "sanctuary states" that had huge numbers of illegal aliens.
It was merely a coincidence, all "sanctuary states" are Democrat-ruled states.
And to the surprise of no one, the Democrats found a Democrat judge who agreed. The Trump administration appealed, case went to the SC, and the *supposedly conservative* SC sided with the Democrats.
So...not only have the Democrats totally ignored immigration law by allowing every illegal to enter the U.S., they've made it illegal even to ask people if they're U.S. citizens.
Wait, I hear my liberal friends wailing that all the SC ruling did was make it illegal to use the census to ask people that question.
Ah, guess y'all are ignoring the RULING by a federal judge that cops in Arizona couldn't ask people stopped for serious traffic violations to show proof of citizenship.
We're approaching the point at which Democrat judges will make it illegal for Border Patrol agents to ask people wading across the Rio Grande if they're U.S. citizens. Not that that would matter, since the biden regime would give 'em cash and fly 'em to states far away from the border anyway.
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