June 19, 2022

Dems "Green Energy" gonna cut U.S. coal output 10% per year. Meanwhile China and India say...hahaha!

Hey, didja hear, citizen?  Dat biden guy an' de Democrats gon' stop Global Warming!  

Excuse me..."climate change."  "Global Warming is what they're trying to stop, but they've cunningly re-named the problem "climate change" cuz after a few record-cold winters a lot of American voters started wondering if maybe duh regime was "cookin' duh books" about the numbers.

Dey wanna kill coal cuz burning it makes dat nasty poison "carbon dioxide."  An' ev'ry reel Sciency guy, like Fauci and biden, know CO2 bees what make duh Global Worming, eh?  Or climate change, if you prefer.

In any case, biden an' de Dems are gon' save duh climate by makin' it reeeely expensive to produce coal--which is the fuel used to make something around 40% of all electricity produced in the U.S.

Okay, that's a lot, and every year as gubment penalties make coal more expensive, so we use less coal, your electric bill will go up ten or 15 percent.  But dat's okay cuz you rich.  An' if you not rich, duh Democrats gon' give you free money ta pay fo' duh 'lectric.  So it's all good, eh citizen?


So other than higher electric bills--which we already tol' you not to complain about--what do Americans get for cutting coal consumption by, say, 40 percent from the 580 million tons produced in 2021?

Okay, that's a whopping 232 MILLION fewer tons of coal!  We should get a huge medal for taking that hit, eh?  Billions of dollars in higher 'lectric bills, but that lets us cut coal uses by a faabulous 232 MILLION tons of dat nasty stuff, eh? 

Yeah.  Well, then you read this:  Two months ago China announced it will increase coal output by 300 million tons this year. Last month, India said it aims to increase domestic coal production by more than 400 million tons by the end of next year. 

Say what?

SO...Americans pay billions more in 'lectric bills to cut coal use by 232 million tons, and then China and India plan to RAISE their coal consumption by 700 MILLION tons--totally wiping out any net reduction by quite a bit.

But it lets the Democrats feel...VERY virtuous about themselves.  And after all, isn't that what really matters?

Think about this the next time you look at your electric bill.  Then remember to thank biden and his merry band of morons.  And watch for the attempted steal in November.

Source: Real Clear Energy


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