November 23, 2021

Left wants you to forget the past--while they use the past to push ghastly new law to release all federal prisoners

People who aren't dedicated students of history and politics tend to forget anything that happened before six months ago.  That may sound harsh but actually it's a totally understandable coping strategy, cuz the decisions most people make are based on conditions NOW, not six months ago, eh?

So it's quite understandable for people not to recall past events.  I mean, what's done is done, right?  Can't change it, eh?  So why worry about it?  No use crying over spilled milk, right?

Kinda like that controversy about the election a year ago.  What was it?  Uhhh... mumble mumble some people said something about "fraud."  But why think about that, eh?  What's the point?  The past is past, so why dwell on it, right?

If all the above points struck you as reasonable, congratulations: you just proved how effective Dem propaganda is.  You read it or hear it every day, and after enough repetitions it strikes you as totally logical.

George Orwell took this to its logical (if absurd-sounding) conclusion when his fictional Orwellian government proudly proclaimed "War is peace.  Freedom is slavery.  Ignorance is strength."  And every good citizen nodded in agreement.

It's how Fauci could declare that masks are useless, then two weeks later declare that you must all wear them because they'll keep you from catching duh Chyna virus.  

It's how, after the Media realized it could no longer deny the reality of hundreds of thousands of coyly-described "breakthrough cases" among the so-called "vaccinated," the CDC stealthily--without any public announcement or comment--changed the formal definition of "vaccine" from something that prevents you from getting a disease to something that "helps build protection."

They didn't think anyone who mattered would notice.  Did you know about it?

Do you matter to your family?  Do you think the CDC gives a damn about you?

Now consider this:  The Left ignores ALL of the points at the top.  They constantly dredge up past events when those events help their cause.  They just demand that you not use past event to show how Leftist policies and decisions cause disaster and misery.

Double-standard, ya say?  What's your point, racist?  If you're on the Left, double-standards are a useful tool.  Consistency?  Why bother?

With this as background:  Once the Left/Dems pass a law that's absolutely certain to cause misery for most of us, while gifting billions of tax dollars to themselves, it's too late to stop 'em.  So it's crucial to spot policies they're about to push, so we have a prayer of stopping 'em before they become ghastly, destructive law.

So what the Left is planning next?  It's called the "Breathe Act," and its purpose is to eliminate police AND all punishment for crimes.  Well, except crimes committed by Dem politicians and their supporters, of course.  I mean, that goes without saying.

Okay, I hear a few of you saying that's hyperbole, that no sane group could seriously propose eliminating all police AND all punishment for crimes.  Okay, here's the intro from their website:

>>This visionary bill framework divests our taxpayer dollars from brutal and discriminatory policing and invests in a new vision of public safety—a vision that answers the call to defund the police and allows all communities to finally BREATHE free.

>>The current moment requires a solution that fundamentally shifts how we envision community-care and invest in our society. History is clear that we cannot achieve genuine safety and liberation until we **abandon police, prisons, and all punishment paradigms.

Okay, for NOW this is probably a fundraising scam by cunning scam artists, just as the folks who started BLM envisioned.  All those hundreds of millions of dollars in donations went to buy pricey real estate for the founders.  Nice deal if you can get it, but now that org has a life of its own, burning cities and looting, while the founders live the good life in LA.  

Could this outcome have been predicted from the lofty language used by the founders?  Probably.

By the same token, the folks pushing the Breathe Act will profit handsomely from wokie CEOs throwing money at 'em, and the Dems will see an opportunity to garner millions of dollars in campaign contributions and votes.  Win-win, eh?  And before the end of biden's term we'll see the Dems using those votes and Media air cover to try to pass one of the bills pushed by the Breathe group.

Now watch as ultra-Leftist congresswoman Rashida Tlaib laughs dismissively, dodges and flatly lies when asked by an interviewer about her support for the goals of the Breathe Act.


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