October 23, 2021

NIH quietly deletes defn of "gain of function research," substitutes new bureaubabble definition praising themselves

In a criminal trial, acts taken by the defendant to cover up a crime--like Hilliary erasing her subpoenaed email server, or someone using bleach to remove a victim's blood-- may be taken as evidence of guilt. 

So when the NIH changed their definition of "gain of function research" on their official website three days ago, what does that tell you?  Take a look:

SO..."Gain-of-Function Research"--a term that would not have alarmed the average voter--has been replaced...by the just-created term "enhanced potential pandemic pathogen."  Same thing, but suddenly re-defined as a GOOD thing instead of as people adding genetic code to a bat virus to make it a) bind to human cells instead of bat cells; and b) make it more deadly to humans.

Wow.  I think this re-defining of GOF clearly shows that a LOT of folks at the NIH know Fauxi et al are guilty as hell for funding that research, in China, at a time when the same research was banned in the United States, and they're trying their damndest to make it look like the agency itself didn't have a THING to do with the creation of the Chyna virus.

Fauxi, Daszak and anyone who helped them should be tried, convicted of--at the very least--conspiracy to commit mass murder, and executed.

One more point for my liberal friends who bleated for 18 months that it simply wasn't possible that Chyna had deliberately created covid-19 by inserting genes into a bat virus:  You denied that China could possibly have modified the virus because you get all your "news" from the Lying, Democrat-loving Mainstream Media.  You trust them, and you're fools for doing so.  So listen carefully to see if you hear a single word about this NIH letter in the Mainstream Media.

You won't.  But you'll still trust them, because you'd rather not have to deal with the cognitive dissonance you'd get if you learned the truth.

"Wait," I hear my liberal friends say, "For you to learn about this stealthy removal of GOF by the NIH, you must have read about it in the Mainstream Media!  So much for your goofy conspiracy theory!"

How amusing.  The tweet above is from an individual, doing his own research.  I think he's called a "blogger" or something similar.


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