August 11, 2021

Senate passes the $1.2 TRILLION infrastucture bill, clearing the way for the $4.5 TRILLION socialist wishlist bill

Six weeks ago I told you that congressional Democrats were getting ready to run a cunning scheme on the American public--one that would ram through every damn Democrat socialist, pork-barrel, white-elephant program on their wish-list-- by preventing Republicans from using the filibuster to block them.

Let me explain, because the Media have deliberate not told you about the astonishing con the Dems are pulling:  

As every American should know, the Dems have majority control of the House.  And because the Dems managed to steal two U.S. senate seats in Georgia election runoffs last January, the senate is now exactly 50-50 Dem/GOP.  And in most tie votes the Dem VP--the charmless, graceless K. Harris--gets to break the tie for the Dems.

The only last chance to stop truly horrible Dem bills was the filibuster, which allows the minority party in the senate to block horrible bills by requiring 60 votes to move the bill forward.  But oddly, this "rule" could be erased by a simple majority vote.  Dems had threatened to do this several times, but weren't sure they could get all their party on-board, so they didn't try it.  Also, a few Dems were concerned that a few million voters might smell a rat if Dems erased a tool they themselves used 473 times during Trump's presidency.  

But if the Dems could somehow prevent the GOP from using the filibuster, they could ram through into law every G-damn socialist program on their ghastly wish-list.  Cuz everyone knew Slow Joe would eagerly sign it.  And they hit on a way to do it.

The key to the plan was a congressional trick called a "reconciliation bill," which by rule can't be filibustered.  It can only be used once per session of congress, and the party that controls each chamber gets to say which bill will get to use this sinister trick.

The next step involved dangling a $1.2 TRILLION so-called "infrastructure bill" as a carrot.  It's no secret that both parties love pork, and this 2,700-page bill was loaded with it.  But the Dems knew the Repubs would support it since it would bring billions to big states, and a few hundred million to small ones.  And sure enough, yesterday the senate passed it, with 19 GOP votes.  House passage is assured.

But as both chambers were working on the $1.2 TRILLION bill, the Dems were also working on a SECOND, really ghastly, socialist bill, costing almost four times more than the "infrastructure" bill: $4.5 TRILLION.  They called it "social infrastructure"--which was utter horse shit, but make it more likely to fool low-information Americans.  It included vague, undefined, infinitely-corruptible things like

  • "Environmental justice" and "climate resilience"  (WTF does that really MEAN ??)
  • "Electrifies the federal vehicle fleet-- and buildings  (buildings already use electricity)
  • Vast new spending for public housing, "green and sustainable housing"  (Again, way vague)
  • Creates a "civilian Climate Corps"  (mega-billions, corrupt hiring of non-workers)
  • Will give green cards to millions of immigrant workers and families
  • Adds more expenses to Medicare
  • Will require breathalyzer sensors on all new cars sold in the U.S.

Normally the Repubs would filibuster this piece of pork-laden socialist crap.  But by the Dem leaders ruling that the far more costly bill was "reconciliation," that tool was killed.

What the Repubs should have done, of course, was to filibuster the $1.2 TRILLION "infrastructure bill."  That would have forced the Dems to use their "reconciliation" ruling on that bill to get it passed (and believe me, they very much wanted it passed; the bill gave senate majority leader, Democrat Chuck Schumer's state ten BILLION dollars for a single tunnel!), meaning the GOP could use the filibuster to block the far larger $4.5 TRILLION) socialist bullshit bill. 

But of course the Dems were careful to bribe a few key GOP senators by including their pet projects in the small bill.

The final trick was that Pelosi said she would NOT bring the smaller bill up for a vote unless the senate passed the far larger, totally socialist bill first.  Of course that was a bluff, but it gave the spineless RINO senators cover to vote for the far larger, totally socialist bill.'s coming to pass exactly as I predicted six weeks ago.  Amusing, eh? 



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