April 10, 2021

Two Harvard professors urge medical services be provided preferentially to people of color

Crazy wokie pushers get more goofy every day.  Two professors at Harvard Medical School have wirtten an article calling for medical services to be given preferentially to blacks and hispanics because of either past injustices or current inequality of outcomes, depending on which race you wanna cite. 

Writing in the the Boston Review, the two profs call for rejecting "colorblind policies"-- the concept of equality for everyone under the law--claiming equality under the law isn't achieving their desired ends fast enough.  Oh, and their plans are in addition to paying cash reparations to...uh...Democrats of color.

They admit that U.S. law prohibits such race preferences, and say they expect legal challenges if their plans are adopted, but they feel certain that the Biden*Harris regime will side with their ideas and will simply ignore the law, just as Obama did when he offered de-facto amnesty to children of illegal aliens.

Of course you don't believe any of that.  After all, the LAW says you can't do this, so it's just not believable to think the regime would just ignore the law, right?  Well, read the article at the link above.  Or a superb critique of this absurdity here.

Wait, next you're gonna claim it's illegal to use massive vote fraud to steal a presidential election, and that the Supreme Court or congress would never allow that either, eh?

Ah, I see you're one of the millions of naifs who believe we're still a nation of laws.  Wow.  Say, would you be interested in a great deal on some oceanfront property in Kansas?

H/T The Post-Millenial


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