April 08, 2021

A lesson from Australia re gun confiscation

As the Democrats ramp up their push to confiscate all civilian-owned guns, many Americans believe they can't do that "because the Constitution explicitly gives citizens the right to bear arms."

Many believe that if Biden*Harris issue an executive decree banning guns, or if the Democrat-controlled "congress" passes a "law" doing that, the Supreme Court will rule it unconstitutional.

If you're believe either of those things, you're naive.

You need to read what happened when liberal pols in Australia passed a "law" demanding that civilians "voluntarily" turn in all handguns.  That "law" gave everyone a year to comply, and said "If we find a gun in your possession or home after the grace period expires, you go to jail for ten years and will be fined $10,000."
.  .  .Australians have a reputation for individual rights and freedom.  But when faced with that huge punishment, almost no one with a family was willing to risk keeping a gun.  They rationalized that the new law would reduce crime and protect innocent chirren.  Of course it would leave citizens unable to defend their families against home invasions and other crime, but Australians rationalized that the Gruberment would protect them.  The police would protect them.  After all, isn't that what people pay taxes for?
.  .  .Hahahahahaha!  Silly people!
.  .  .So 99% of the citizens turned in their guns.  "Voluntarily," of course.  But oddly, one group kept their guns:  criminals.  The Gruberment denied that was happening, even after hundreds of incidents.  The pols and their Media allies denied that criminals kept their guns, because admitting the truth would expose what utter, corrupt fools they were to pass such an anti-freedom law.
.  .  .Professors of sociology and psychology looked at the reports that criminals still had guns long after the year had passed and claimed to be utterly baffled.  They couldn't understand why criminals would refuse to obey a law--especially such a noble, wonderful law as the gun "turn-in" law!
.  .  .To this day, no PhD has claimed to have solved this mystery.  When non-PhD's said "Uh, it's because criminals--by definition-- break laws, the PhD's scoffed that this was "simplistic reasoning that ignored all the sociological factors that had to be accounted for bullshit bullshit."
.  .  .Democrat pols in the U.S. are determined to disarm Americans.  Period.  That leaves just two questions:  1. Do enough people want to stop them?  And 2) If so--and that's a big IF--does anyone really believe that can that be done by voting when the Democrats control every branch of gruberment--especially now that they've found that they can get away with massive election fraud?


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