January 30, 2021

Harris regime launches "probe" into SpaceX for...failing to hire a specific foreigner? Yep. F this crap.

Wanna know how utterly f'd this country is now?  Take a look:

The Biden*/Harris regime has just launched a probe into the company "SpaceX."  Are you curious as to the reason for this ultra-serious federal "probe"?

Actually you probably don't care.  It's not within your arm's reach, so it doesn't affect you.  And in any case you can't do anything about it, right?  

The probe was launched after a man who is not a lawful permanent resident of the United States complained when the California rocket maker didn't hire him.

No, seriously.

CNBC (which is usually only interested in helping big hedge funds make billions by shorting stocks) reports, “The U.S. Department of Justice is investigating SpaceX over whether the company discriminates against non-U.S. citizens in its hiring practices."

Didja get that?  If you're a U.S. company, not only can the gruberment sue you for failing to hire as many women, blacks, latinos, gays and trannies as the f'n Department of Injustice, or the EEOC, or the Department of Tranny Equity thinks you should, but NOW, under the Xi-Din* regime, the gruberment thinks it has the right to sue you for millions unless you hire the "right" number of NON-U.S. citizens!

If I had a million bucks, I wouldn't start a company in the U.S. for anything.  Precisely because of shit like this.  Cuz if you invest everything you have in a company, and the gruberment decides your company must hire at least 20 Chinese trannies, if you don't comply they'll sue you for millions.

Sorry for the language but Fuck that shit.  I'm REALLY angry at this crap.  This used to be a relatively free country, and now the gruberment demands that every non-Democrat business hire exactly the number of people, including foreigners, that it demands.

Oh, and court documents revealed that Elon Musk’s company is "stonewalling a subpoena for information."  I've never been a Musk fan but good on ya, Elon.



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