Twatter wails that Uganda demands they stop deleting posts they don't like--even though Twatter has done just that for months!
One of the hallmarks of wanna-bee dictators is how often they make contradictory proclamations a month or two apart. Second bureaucrat never saw the first bureaucrat's bullshit statement, so the second lackey never realizes that her statement contradicts the one issue a month or so earlier.
Of course once the dictator's party has total power, being caught making contradictory statements a month apart doesn't matter, because the dictator's party knows no one will call 'em on it, eh?
Example: Twatter issues a totally saint-like statement like the one below.
Oooh, dat's so wonderful! "Access to information and freedom of expression--including on Twatter, is never more important than during...elections." So lofty! So pure of spirit! But of course twatter constantly took
down posts by Trump, and deleted the accounts of people who claimed the
Chinese virus was no more lethal than the common flu, but was being used
by Democrats to a) kill the then-booming economy; and b) to make people
accept total mail-in vote fraud.
Oh wait: The tweet above was AFTER our November and January elections, so could this have been a recent change of policy by the rat-bastard scum at twatter? Nah, here's twatter's VP for "global public policy" last May, on why it was absolutely vital to let every voice be heard on social media!
[Connectivity, via the Internet, is reeeally important]. But what if the ability to gather and share critical information...and speak truth to power was taken away from us? Unfortunately, this is the reality for many people around the world.
Yeah, like here in the supposedly free-speech-friendly U.S., thanks to you assholes at twatter.
A recent report...shows an increase in Internet shutdowns globally.... Shutdowns can be highly targeted, focused on specific groups of individuals for the purposes of repressing dissent...
Would killing a competitor's internet servers be an example of this, bastards? Yeah.
Twitter's mission is to serve the public conversation. We are committed to protecting freedom of expression,...
Well, unless we don't like what you're expressing.
Having access to the free and open Internet is a right ...that’s increasingly inseparable from free expression, self-determination, and self-actualization.
Are you not impressed by their glowing words telling you how important it is to have a "free and open Internet," so people can did that go again? Oh yeah: "free expression, self-determination and self-actualization. WOW, that sounds SO faaabulous. So how do you guys ensure that? Why, by deleting the account of anyone who says something you don't like.
Our right to access news... is more vital than ever during this pandemic. An open Internet is a foundational pillar on which recovery must be built.
Ah, "an open Internet," eh? Which you help achieve by...deleting the accounts of anyone who says anything you don't like. Yeah, totally logical.
Shutdowns can only impede this progress, unnecessarily walling off targeted communities and entire populations.
Ah, "walling off targeted communities," ya say. Like, um...Trump supporters? Or anyone who dares to speak the truth about, say, HCQ--that it's perfectly safe, has been taken by almost a billion people going back 70 years. Ah, but because Trump--your enemy--said that, you have to shut down anyone who endorses that totally true, easily researched statement. Ah, got it.
A critical function of our service is providing a place where people can openly and publicly respond to their leaders and hold them accountable.
By "respond to their leaders," this PR flack means " long as you agree with our company and its policies, and/or want to blast Trump or conservatives.
Working with our partners across the globe, we’ve facilitated conversations and the sharing of authoritative and credible information...
Of course by "authoritative and credible" the flack actually means "WE at twatter deem it credible." If it doesn't come from us or one of our Trusted Sources, we'll delete it. And smirk at how easily we defeat our Trump-supporting enemies."
And here's the result: Uganda is about to have an election. And true to form, twatter and fakebook have used account deletion and post removal to push the result they want. The country's president watched this and said "If you do that again, we won't let you into our country." At which point twatter clutched their pearls and wailed "Someone is threatening to BLOCK OUR WONDERFUL, SAINTLY MEDIUM!!! Oooh, anyone who deletes posts destroys freedom of expression! And self-determination. And self-actualization! are, like, totally against that.
Except when we do it to Trump supporters and the rest of our enemies on the conservative side.
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