Texas files suit with U.S. Supreme Court to investigate claims of massive, organized vote fraud!
The state of Texas has reportedly sued Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Georgia before the U.S. Supreme Court, claiming that the apparent vote fraud in those states deprived the residents of Texas of a fair election.
Reportedly, the Supreme Court has placed the matter on its docket and is committed to respond by 3pm Thursday.
Of course liberals, Democrats, socialists and the Lying Mainstream Media will claim this didn't happen--just more "wild right-wing conspiracy stories! Fake news!"
Twatter is tagging posts about this with "This claim of election fraud is disputed!" And as they've done for weeks, Google is tagging posts with "The Associated Press has called the election for Joe Biden," as if the AP has any standing to call anything. Hell, I wouldn't believe the AP if they said Hunter Biden wasn't a crack-head.
So for libs and Democrats, click here. Goes to a website claiming to be the U.S. Supreme Court.
But hey, those sneaky right-wingers could have made a fake website, right? After all, look at that 18-hour "surveillance video" of the Fulton county vote-lying center they faked, right? I mean, if they can fake that, they can fake anything!
"Oh sure," I hear liberals saying, "The web-page at the link SAYS "supremecourt.gov", but how do you know that's the real URL, eh? AHA! You gullible Rethuglicans must think us Democrats are as stupid as you are! But we didn't go to your dumb state universities! We went to HAHVAHD and Stanford and elite universities that you people could never afford to attend! So there!"
Gosh, since y'all are so smaht I decided to check that URL thingy to see if it was fake. And YOU KNOW WHAT?? Turns out the real web-page of the Supreme Court is "supremecourt.US"! So guess y'all are right yet again. It's crushing to us poor flyover residents!
Just kidding! It's the real website. And here it is: (You may be able to click to enlarge.)
Now, just because it's on the docket doesn't mean the court will agree to actually hear the case. But it's a great start. And no corrupt lower court judge can corruptly block any hearing by claiming "You filed your silly suit too late!" or "This lawsuit does NOT belong in federal court!" Cuz when one state sues another, that suit automatically goes to the Supreme Court.
By the way: both of the bullshit excuses noted above for dismissing lawsuits have actually been used by a federal judge.
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