More on the virus, and Democrat "experts" and governors scaring Americans into obedience
Yes, there is a Chinese virus. No, it hasn't killed 310,000 Americans. Not even close. Eventually you'll learn that during this "OMG WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!" epidemic, deaths from all causes were virtually the same as before the virus: magically, mysteriously, deaths from heart attack, stroke, cancer and other causes of death dropped like a rock.
Check it out for yourself. Ask youself if you think those numbers are correct.
Of course they're not. They're absurdly low. Why do you think that is?
The answer is obvious, even to liberals: Because virtually every such death was attributed to the terrible killer virus.
Left-wing, Trump-hating officials like Fauci have used the virus to scare Americans: In 4 months 95% of Americans were transformed into obedient zombies, like people under communism or Hitler. Self-promoting frauds like Fauci told the unquestioning Media what events Americans could attend: Mobs burning and looting were fine, no risk at all. But they told you church services, family funerals and patriotic celebrations were dangerous, thus forbidden--and virtually all Americans bought it without question.
Small businesses were ordered closed--and anyone who tried to stay open was hit with a massive fine. But WalMart, Lowes and Home Depot were allowed to stay open. Curious. Why the difference? You didn't demand an answer, and Fauci didn't explain.
In less than 4 months Democrat governors used the virus to close public schools. Many people who were experts in virology spoke out, telling the Media about the fraud, and were then attacked as "anti-science" or "deniers." Risks to your health!
A scared public showed how easy Americans would obey orders that had NO scientific basis whatsoever--and how readily they would attack anyone who dissented. People are not afraid of the government who removed their freedom. They're afraid of their neighbors, family and friends. and will attack anyone who doesn't comply.
So can you guess what's coming next? Sure you can. As easy to predict as sunrise:
You'll all be ordered to take the vaccine. You think that's not possible? Yeah, and everyone was absolutely SURE the Democrats would never pass a law forcing Americans to buy crappy health insurance beginning at age 21--but they did.
Americans also believed the Supreme Court would never agree that such a forced purchase was constitutional, but the ghastly, apparently blackmailed John Roberts even disregarded the Obama administration's own sworn claim before the court that the "individual mandate" was NOT a tax, ruling that it WAS a tax, in order to find it constitutional. So if you think any level of government will exempt you from taking the vaccine, you're too naive to breed.
Oh, it won't technically be mandatory. Instead, if you don't have proof of vaccination you won't be allowed to fly. Won't be able to get a passport. Next you won't be allowed to keep a job without proof of getting it. Of course it won't be stated like that, cuz that might trigger mass assassinations. Instead a judge will rule that companies have the absolute right to fire anyone who refuses to get the needle.
Don't believe it? That's already been proposed. (section K of eeoc rule)
And is there a single person so dumb as to think that major companies would NOT demand total vaccination of employees? Of course they would, cuz they're "woke." And they'd be scared of being sued if they didn't. "You're putting all of us at RISK!" the left would scream.
Eventually you'll have to show your vax card or tattoo to be allowed to go into stores.
If any American doesn't believe that's possible, tell us: Six months ago, did you think the ghastly, egomaniac governor of New York would shut down indoor dining in every restaurant and bar in New York City? Did you think the communist mayor of NYC would shut down public schools, despite the fact that school kids have far higher chances of getting killed in traffic than by the virus?
Would you have believed Democrat governors would dictate that you couldn't attend a parent's or spouse's funeral? That they'd demand that people not sing in church?
Did you predict that cops in L.A. would be arresting solo paddleboarders a hundred yards offshore? Or that Democrat officials would handcuff and arrest a mother who was playing with her child in an otherwise empty park, for defying mask orders? Of course you didn't.
My liberal friend sniffs that all these "precautions" are perfectly reasonable, and sneers that if only Trump had acted earlier, hundreds of thousands of lives would have been saved. He snorts that any talk of vax cards being needed to fly or keep a job are scare stories pushed by science-denying deplorables who barely know what a virus IS.
Sure. You bet.
He's not a bit concerned that Dem governors successfully dictated to people WHEN they were allowed to be outside, where they were allowed to go, and how their children would be educated in less than 4 months. And scared Americans obeyed, because Dem "experts" told them their elderly parents or kids would die if they didn't obey.
In WW2 the Nazis killed six million Jews. The German people didn't protest, because 97% of the population had been conditioned to obey the regime's orders.
You've all been conditioned to obey any order, no matter how illogical or obviously stupid. So...anyone wanna bet that proof of getting the needle will be required for anyone wanting to fly, within a year?
From a pharmacy owner:
Something very strange going on with this COVID thing.
I’ve been a pharmacist for 43 years, 30 years as an owner. It’s mid-December, 2020, well into the “flu season.” I have not dispensed ANY Tamiflu this season. Tamiflu (including generic) is the most prescribed medication for the flu. Extremely effective.
I asked a friend who's a salesman for a major national drug wholesaler how much Tamiflu and generic he's sold to pharmacies this fall. He said he hadn’t sold ANY, and he has 75 accounts of independent pharmacies.
By now it’s well known that Covid tests give false positives. How many of these false positives are actually “the flu”? How many are just “the common cold”? Why does the CDC report daily case numbers & deaths for Covid and not for the flu?
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