December 20, 2020

Newest Dem scheme: "vote reparations" Seriously

Wanna hear the Next Great New Idea from the Dems?  "Vote reparations." 

You may well wonder what that means.  So here ya go:

As every college-age American should know, before now "reparations" was a scheme to have white taxpayers give every black person in the U.S. a lot of money, to compensate them for being descendants of slaves.  Or as other Dem strategists put it, all blacks would get "reparations" even if their ancestors were never slaves.

 As candidate, Kamala Harris said she'd push for reparations.  

Democrats applauded wildly.  "SUCH a great idea," they gushed.  Then someone mentioned the cost.  "Trillions? that, like, more than a million?  How much more?  And where did you say that money would come from?  From the folks who own mom-and-pop small stores?  From plumbers, electricians, car makers?"

Democrat leaders started to realize that actually ramming through a LAW enacting cash reparations--paying people who had never been slaves, who live in a nation in which they have the freedom to be president, was gonna cost them votes.

Fortunately for the Dems, one of their cunning strategists had an idea: "Instead of a big cash payment, why not count the vote of every black person twice?  Cuz, fairness!  And this would eliminate all the objections that cash reparations would cost too much!  We wouldn't lose votes!  Brilliant!"

Of course you think this is satire--that only the charmless communist radicals of BLM would actually push such a scheme, eh?

Think again.  Three days ago a so-called "progressive" (i.e. communist) magazine called "The Nation," published an article pushing--seriously--exactly the scheme outlined above.

Read it for yourself.

Democrats are also pushing to abolish the electoral college--and have figured out a way to do that without having to amend the Constitution!  That scheme is called the "national popular vote interstate compact," and it's real.  States "join" the compact by passing a state law agreeing to cast their state's electoral votes for the winner of the national popular vote--even if their state's voters voted for the other candidate!

In other words, the states lock themselves into the deal, by their own law.  And as we've seen in the recent refusal of the U.S. Supreme Court to even hear the Texas lawsuit claiming vote fraud in four swing states, that court of cowards will not intervene to invalidate a presidential election decided by this compact.

The "compact" says it will become activated when states with a total of 270 electoral votes have passed a law in their state joining it.  And note well:  Laws aren't put to a vote of the citizens.

Seem crazy to ya?  Unconstitutional?  Sure, but as of today states with 196 electoral votes have voted to join the thing, and the measure is "pending" in states with another 108 EV's.  In other words, the scheme to abolish the electoral college system is already "pending" in enough states to succeed.

If you live in "flyover country" this should make you furious, because it means all future presidents will be chosen by a handful of big states.  Forever.


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