December 19, 2020

Twatter announces it will remove any info about the Chinese virus that contradicts their narrative. For your own good, of course

The charmless communists who run Twatter have decided it's their job to ensure that you can't see anything about the Chinese virus OR the vaccine on their "platform" that they don't want you to see.

Leftists are fine with that, of course, since Twatter soothingly reassures readers that their sole purpose is to delete "misleading vaccine information."  "Yay!" bleats the Left in unison.

But what does this actually mean?

Suppose dozens of researchers began reporting research that the vaccine doesn't work, or is causing bad reactions in more than one person out of a thousand?

Twatter will censor any mention of such research.

Suppose careful researchers comparing the genetic sequence of the Chinese virus to its progenitors find that the current version has been extensively modified by adding gene sequences identical to those found in, say, HIV.  Think the leftists at Twatter would allow any mention of that on their platform?

(Researchers already found such sequences, BTW.)

Suppose a Chinese defector who had worked in the Wuhan virus lab reached the west, and said the lab made genetic modifications to the virus to make it more lethal.  

Twatter would immediately remove any post about that.

Oh, but Twatter claims to be, like, SO "transparent" in doing this, cuz everyone knows "transparency" is good, right?  It's like "anti-facism," eh?  Anyone invoking it gets a free pass for any and all bad behavior.

Finally, when Twatter's thugs use the term "iterative" in the last 4 lines above, do you have any idea what they mean? 


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