Harris/Biden picks for department heads, what's more important: diversity or competence?
I see "president-elect" Slow Joe has picked his Sec of Transportation.
You saw that on the news, right?
Sure you did! Cuz the Mainstream Media loved Joe's choice. Positively fawning, slobbering over the pick. Cuz the person the president selects to head the Dept of Transportation needs to know about, say, air traffic procedures, rail, bridges, engineering and so on. So you can see why the Media cheered wildly.
So how many of you know who Biden picked?
An MIT grad? Structural engineer, maybe? Perhaps a former airline pilot?
That's the kind of person you might expect, eh? So with characteristic Democrat brilliance, Joe picked... Pete Buttigeig.
Seriously. Because in a woke Democrat administration the most important thing isn't expertise, but die-versity.
Okay, here's a prediction: Because the Mainstream Media loves Democrats and diversity, and hates straight white males and Trump, during the entire term of the Harris/Biden administration there will be no scandals or screw-ups reported at all. As far as the public will know, everything that the federal government runs will be excellent, on time, under budget.
You won't hear any disturbing reports about record numbers of illegals entering the U.S., or record high deaths from drug overdose, or murders or rapes in large Dem-ruled cities, or high unemployment, or homelessness, or factories closing, jobs going overseas. Everything run by the federal gummint will be reported as virtually perfect.
Similarly, riots and looting and arson will vanish from the news. If anyone should be so ill-mannered as to ask why the national media ignored a riot that burned a couple of city blocks, the mainstream media will bleat that the ONLY reasons they didn't report on it were a) they couldn't confirm it; or b) "it was disputed," like claims of election fraud; or c) "it was a mostly-peaceful demonstration, and of course everyone has the absolute right to demonstrate; free speech, citizen; or d) (my favorite): "This was of local interest only."
Of course some crimes will still be reported by the mainstream media: "hate speech," as in, someone criticizing gays, or trannies, or Islam. The media will continue to report murders and suicides in states with Republican governors or legislatures, and will put the blame on bad local governance.
But nationally, all will be roses. China? Never heard of it. Magically, China will not only NOT be a threat, every story in the mainstream media will portray China as our good friends. Innumerable pieces will be written on how Chinese fashions are so cool, on how many fabulous inventions are being introduce by Chinese companies. 5G technology will suddenly be totally safe, totally hip.
Just watch. Then get back to me in a year.
So what happens when political correctness is more valued than experience and competence?
You know, of course. But it's considered rude to say it in polite company.
Things slowly...begin to break down.
Naturally you think that's absurd--a crazy right-wing conspiracy tale.
Do you know fuck-all about, say, Venezuela? If you're a Democrat, you don't. (In fact, barely ten percent of Republicans know much about that socialist nation.) So I'll tell ya: The socialist thug who turned that nation to utter crap was just like Harris and Biden: Competence and experience didn't matter to him. The only thing that mattered was loyalty to him and his party. So when skilled oil-field workers began opposing his dumber rules, he fired 'em.
All of 'em. He replaced those workers with his loyalists. Who didn't know jack about oil wells but had something much more valued by Chavez: they were loyal to him.
A year later only one well out of ten was still working.
If you're from the northeast U.S. that means nothing to you, cuz like your governor, you don't know jack about energy. You have almost no idea how electricity is generated. You think gasoline comes from a tank at the gas station, and that's the end of your thinking about it.
Before Chavez, lots of Venezuelans didn't think much about those things either. They found out, much to their dismay.
Venezuela has the largest reserves of oil on the planet. But now Venezuela has to IMPORT oil and gasoline all the way from Iran. If your IQ is above two digits that should tell you everything you need to know.
Unfortunately most Americans won't have a clue what that means. So let's try another tack, shall we?
The population of this nation is growing at a little over one percent a year. Those extra people use electricity and natural gas. Which means we need about one percent more supply every year.
Now: The northeast produces very little oil or natural gas, so they get what they need from western states, by means of large, long pipes. Many of those pipelines are operating at max capacity. How do the rich, powerful northeastern states plan to bring ten percent more oil and natural gas to their residents in just ten years?
Answer: The politicians running those states, and representing them in congress, don't care. Literally. As far as they "think," it's never been a problem before, so it never will be. "Wait, maybe windmills will fix it. Or wait! I know! SOLAR energy! No, GREEN energy. Ah, YES! The GREEN NEW DEAL! Yay! Problem solved!"
How many new oil or natural-gas pipelines do you think the Harris administration will approve, eh?
There's a dark saying some military jet pilots joke about: You can break the laws of aerodynamics...but not for long. What that means is that when you try to cheat aerodynamics--or economics, or whatever--sooner or later those corners you cut catch up with you.
Slow Joe and Harris are like spoiled, cunning children with a nasty temper. They can't be educated, and they're absolutely convinced that their guiding principle of governing--that it doesn't matter who you choose to run departments, as long as they're diverse, cuz diversity beats competence--is the right one.
Socialists and Democrats agree, and aren't in the least worried about...well, anything. And because things come apart so gradually, maybe no one will notice.
But citizens who know how energy and physics and chemistry and airplanes work will notice.
The millions of people who voted for Harris and Biden either agree that diversity matters more than competence, or else believe that the best person to run the transportation programs of this vast nation is the mayor of a small town in Indiana.
Voters in Venezuela believed the same thing. Or maybe they didn't, but it made no difference because Chavez hired some clever programmers to rig the election to ensure he'd win. Oh, those were the same guys who started a company called "Smartmatic."
Gee, why does that name sound familiar?
When things begin to run down, will Democrat voters notice?
Of course not. It will be so slow that they won't notice. And if any of 'em does notice, they'll be smart enough to stay quiet.
Low- and middle-class Americans will suffer most, as a percentage of the waves of illegal immigrants--welcomed into the U.S. by Harris and Biden, will join gangs, sell drugs, rape, murder and rob.
You won't hear a word about it. "Local interest only, citizen."
All the expertise in the world won't convince socialists and liberals that expertise counts a LOT more than die-versity. Nothing anyone says will convince them.
Would they be convinced when the U.S. reaches Venezuela-style quality of life?
Of course not. They--and their Mainstream Media allies--will just tell 'em all their problems are caused by oppression by straight white males.
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