Massive leaked file claims to list names and details of 1.95 million communist chinese spies around the world
Everyone knows you're well advised to take things on the Internet with a huge block of salt. But having said that, here's a story that has a "feel" that strikes me as believable. I doubt you'll hear a single word about it from the Lying Mainstream Media, except possibly to try to debunk it. Here it is:
Supposedly a group of Chinese dissidents in Shanghai were able to copy a file from a government server. The file--reportedly 295 MB--contained the names and other identifying data of 1.95 MILLION communist chinese spies around the world.
And you will be shocked to learn that these spies have been embedded in both western governments and corporations, like Google and Fakebook.
Yeah, I was shocked by that too. I mean, who would have thought, eh?
Supposedly this file was grabbed in 2016, and was initially used by the dissident group to aid counterintel ops by western governments. If that's true--a big IF--some western governments have had up to four years to investigate any of the folks on the list in their countries.
Of course the whole story may be fiction. After all, it was reported by a small, slightly suspect outfit Australia, so it may be propaganda, eh?
Wait, SkyNews Australia is a good-size media outlet. They've got significant assets. If it turns out they're wrong about this report it would almost certainly cost them hundreds of millions in legal fees and damage payouts. So they apparently feel confident this is real.
Now, regardless of whether it's real, we can expect the U.S. Mainstream Media to counterattack 3 ways:
1. They'll ignore it as long as possible, hoping that if they don't publicize it, people won't hear about it.
2. If the story starts getting legs, they'll try to debunk the story by claiming the source is some tiny, disreputable website in some disreputable country. Their so-called "fact-checkers" will all agree, like trained seals, that the story has been "completely, thoroughly, repeatedly debunked."
3. If the story still hasn't died, the Mainstream Media will, as one, claim that it "has all the hallmarks of 'Russian disinformation!'" No evidence will be offered. "All the hallmarks" will be enough to get the message out to the cool kids: "Pay no attention, cuz this is fictional."
4. YouTube, Fakebook and Twatter will take down any poster that dares to discuss the matter.
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