November 24, 2020

Yet another indicator of massive vote fraud in Pennsylvania

 A few days ago I noted that in several swing states, Slow Joe got up to 100,000 MORE votes than any other Democrat candidate.

I noted how bizarre it was that Democrats would vote for Biden but would NOT vote for the down-ballot Democrats.  

Pennsylvania was a textbook example: Slow Joe and the faaabulous, just-as-honest Kamala supposedly (reportedly) won by a few tens of thousands of votes.  But in one of the two other state-wide races, an incumbent Democrat state treasurer LOST to his Republican opponent--by almost 80.000 votes.  

It was the first time in 26 years that a Republican defeated an incumbent Democrat.

If you don't understand the significance of this, don't feel bad:  It's subtle.  What you don't know is that the according the the goddamn official reported vote talley, Slow Joe supposedly won Pennsylvania by a whopping 80,818 votes

Pennsylvania:       Biden 3,454,523     Trump 3,373,705    Biden allegedly "won" by 80,818

But for you to believe Biden won Pennsylvania by over 80,000 votes, and yet that the Democrat incumbent treasurer LOST by that same margin, you have to believe that an astonishing 160,000 Democrat voters voted for Slow Joe but refused to vote for the Democrat incumbent in the statewide race for treasurer.

Does that seem even remotely believable?

Eh, doesn't matter, cuz the Mainstream Media won't tell you those numbers, and if anyone does the Mainstream Media will immediately debunk the story.  They expect you to believe absurdly implausible official numbers, and will ignore any evidence to the contrary.

Oh, there was also another statewide race in Pennshitvania.  In that one the Republican beat the Democrat by 209,363 votes.  The official numbers below:

Auditor-general:   Dem 3,120,483       Repub: 3,454,523   Repub won by 209,363

Wait, didn't the lying, defrauding rat-bastard state assholes report that Biden won by, um, 80,818 votes? 

Why yes, yes they did.  So for both OFFICIAL results to be true, the lying rat-bastards expect you to believe that over 290,000 Democrat voters who voted for Biden refused to vote for the Democrat down-ballot.

Let me say that again:  For the Dems and their media supporters to claim there was no fraud, they expect you to believe that 290,000 Biden voters--clearly strongly pro-Democrat, who allegedly took the time to vote for Biden--chose NOT to vote for their party's down-ballot candidate.

Totally, completely absurd.  Yet they think you're stupid enough to believe it's true.

Just kidding:  They don't give a damn whether you believe their bullshit Narrative or not.  Cuz they know that with all the judges and Deep-State moles on their side, there's not a goddamn thing you can do about it.

Remember this: You Democrats wanted this.  You supported it.  You voted for it.





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