October 31, 2020

Entire mainstream media ignore story about Hunter Biden's laptop; dismiss story as a 'waste of time'

If you get all your "news" from the NY Times, WaPo and NPR you may not have heard about some recent...finds:

  • Over a year ago a man representing himself to be Hunter Biden brought 3 damaged laptops to a Delaware computer repair shop and asked the owner to try to repair them;
  • The shop owner repaired one, and called the number the man left on the work order.  No one answered, so the owner left a message that one computer was ready for pickup.
  • Despite repeated attempts to reach the owner, no one ever picked up the laptop, so after 90 days the shop's owner took possession of the laptop--as provided by Delaware law--and examined its contents;
  • The shop owner found tens of thousands of emails to and from Hunter Biden, some of which described business arrangements with overseas companies;
  • More disturbingly, the shop owner also found thousands of pics and many videos of Hunter Biden smoking a glass pipe and having sex with what appeared to be underage girls;
  • Fearing that he would be prosecuted if he didn't disclose the find, the shop owner contacted the FBI, which initially took no action at all.
  • Realizing that the FBI might be protecting Biden, the shop owner made copies of the data on the laptop.
  • After a couple months without hearing anything from the FBI, the shop owner got word to Rudy Giuliani about what he'd found.  Shortly thereafter an FBI agent came to the shop with a subpoena, and seized the laptop.  The agent signed a receipt for it.

A week ago the New York Post broke this story, but the rest of the Mainstream Media has totally ignored it.  When readers and viewers have asked, the reasons the media give for ignoring the story are...interesting, to say the least.

National Public Radio (NPR)--which has always been a leftist organization--is one of the outlets that's totally ignored what would normally be a blockbuster story if the laptop had belonged to one of Trump's sons.  When listeners posted questions on NPR's webpage asking why NPR had ignored the story, the execs at NPR had some amusing (or outrageous, depending on your party) responses:

NPR's "public editor" claimed there are “many, many red flags in that New York Post investigation” and further claimed that U.S. intelligence officials have warned “that Russia has been working overtime” to keep the story in the news.

Of course NPR doesn't have a shred of evidence for this claim, and in fact the Director of National Intelligence has stated that this is NOT a Russian hoax.  But hey, truth is so...malleable, eh?  So

“Even if Russia can’t be positively connected to this information, the story of how Trump associates Steve Bannon and Rudy Giuliani came into a copy of this computer hard drive has not been verified and seems suspect. And if that story could be verified, the NY Post did no forensic work to convince consumers that the emails and photos that are the basis for their report have not been altered.  But the biggest reason you haven’t heard much on NPR about the Post story is that the assertions don’t amount to much.”

That editor also quoted NPR managing editor Terence Samuel, who went even further, saying.

“We don't want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories, and we don't want to waste the listeners’ and readers’ time on stories that are just pure distractions. And quite frankly, that's where we ended up, this was … a politically driven event and we decided to treat it that way,” Samuel said.

Notice that no one has claimed that the story is false, or that the laptop doesn't exist.  When asked point-blank about the story, Joe Biden didn't deny the story but said it was "a smear."  

Uh-huh.  Hey, that almost sounds like a...no, wait, that's not a denial, it's just designed to fool morons into thinking it's a denial.

Imagine how NPR and the rest of the fake-news media would be reacting if the laptop in question had belonged to a member of the president's family.  Wow.


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