October 12, 2020

Leftists in Portland destroy museum windows, pull down statues of two presidents, cuz...day ending in Y

How do communists and leftists in Portlandia celebrate Columbus Day?  Why, by smashing windows in the state historical museum, of course.  Because...to leftists it just makes perfect sense!  [Note how not a single piece of glass remained intact.]


Oh, the scum also pulled down a statue of president Abe Lincoln.  Cuz, like, ya know, he "freed all slaves," yeah?  So dat means we should destroy his statue, cuz...to leftists it makes perfect sense!


"Say, while we're at it, here's anudder statue of sum guy on a horse.  We no like dem guys on horses, cuz...reasons.  So les' pull dat one down too, yo!"

"You bet, bro!  Say, who dis' guy bees, anyway?"  

"Uhh...I dunno.  Kin u rede dem words on da bottom o' dat stachoo?"

"Uhh...It says 'Teddy' something."

"Teddy something?  Wuz dere some preznit name Teddy?"

"Who know?  Who care?  Statues ain't of us, so don' care 'bout 'em, yo!"


Protesters stand over a toppled statue of President Theodore Roosevelt during an Indigenous Peoples Day of Rage protest on October 11, 2020 in Portland, Oregon. (Photo by Nathan Howard/Getty Images)

This is what happens when Democrat pols and corrupt Dem district attorneys corruptly REFUSE to prosecute thug criminals.  Cities get destroyed.  Cuz we gots ta let da Left do there "peaceful protests," eh?  Cuz destruction and vandalism is really "free speech." 




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