Poll claims Biden has 11-point lead over Trump less than 3 weeks to election day
Most Americans think the Wall Street Journal is staunchly conservative.
It's not. Not even close. While the owners may be, the paper's reporters are just as liberal as most.
But when a WSJ poll claims to have found that respondents favored Biden over Trump by a whopping 11 percentage points-- 53% to 42%--most Americans think it must be pretty accurate, cuz they believe the Journal wouldn't fake a poll to favor the Democrats.
But note the poll sampled "registered voters"--meaning every Democrat they can find, even if they haven't voted in the last few elections. So I don't think conservatives should throw in the towel just yet.
And as others have noted, Trump routinely draws 20,000 or more to his rallies, while Biden draws less than 20, including reporters and staffers. Florida cops estimated 30,000 cars rallying for Trump. Thousands of boats. But hey, a poll said Biden's leading by, what, eleven percentage points!
Why, it's almost like they're trying to get people to accept a clearly fraudulent election or something.
Oh wait, I forgot: Dems keep yelling that there's no such thing as election fraud, even with thousands of ballots dumped in dumpsters by post office Democrats.
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