August 13, 2020

RINO (fake conservative) Bill Kristol: Cancel all presidential debates, just have 3 VP debates!

Bill Kristol has posed as a conservative for his entire career.  But he's never been one.  He's a fake, a Democrat plant, cunningly burrowed in as editor of what was once supposedly one of the largest conservative magazines.

Before the 2016 election Bill came out of the closet for Hilliary.  When Her Royal Thighness lost, Bill was only adrift for a moment, before starting a new anti-Trump, anti-conservative organization and website.

Like all Democrat with an IQ above room temperature, Bill realizes his party's nominee--Slow Joe--is losing whatever unimpressive sense he may once have had.  Hey, not his fault, we're all sympathetic, but hopefully no voter is dumb enough to elect a president because he's got the sympathy vote.

But faced with the prospect of Joe having to debate Trump, for the last two weeks the entire Mainstream Media has been rallying around the Narrative that "Hey, presidential debates are so uninformative, so boring, so last-century!  Why not cancel them?"

Surprisingly, many voters saw through this bullshit Narrative.  So Bill--apparently all by himself!--came up with what he obviously considers a more plausible plan:  Since we've had 40 years to know exactly what Joe stands for and pushes, and over 3.5 years to learn what Trump proposes (Boo!  Hiss!), it's silly to have a debate between the presidential nominees.  What we need instead is to cancel all 3 of those debates, and instead have not one but THREE debates between the vice-prez nominees!  See?  We're not cancelling the debates!  Far from it, citizen!  We're just making them between the people we don't know as much about!  Besides, the Dem VP would likely become president anyway, so we'd like to learn more about her wonderful policies!"

Of course you can't possibly believe any "elite" or even B-list quasi-elite like Kristol--would be so moronic as to suggest that, eh?  Well, read for yourself:


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