Scene: The oval office, with Schumer and Pelosi....
Scene: a joint press conference from the Oval Office. Present are President Trump, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell. The president speaks:
President Trump:
Pelosi: I'm very busy organiz...coordinating all the vital elements that the Constitution requires congress to oversee. I don't have time to read partisan press releases from your crappy office!
Trump: Gosh, Nancy, if I'd known that I would have sent the Secretary of State to tell you in person.
Schumer: The esteemed Speaker of the House is right! This is just an attempt by you to divide our party, by trying to get voters to think we support the rule of law, the police, private property rights and the like. We're not stupid, and we see you trying to make voters think we support these things!
Trump: Gosh, Chuck, I'm SO sorry that I tried to make voters think you supported the things I mentioned a couple of minutes ago. I thought we all agreed. So please, do go on and set the record straight.
Pelosi: First turn those damn video cameras off!
Trump: As you wish, madam Speaker. [winks at camera, unseen by Pelosi]
[Pelosi and Schumer spend the next ten minutes explaining why they don't condemn the BLM/Antifa riots and looting, nor trying to destroy the federal courthouse in Portland. They defend "autonomous zones" like CHAZ and condemn police, and support calls to abolish police forces. Trump doesn't interrupt.]
Trump: Okay, playtime's over. The cameras have been recording this entire shit-show. You morons saw the little red lights all go off and stupidly believed that meant the cameras were off. It never occurred to you that symbols don't equal reality, eh?
Thanks for shooting yourselves and your party in the foot!
During his recent appearance before the House Judiciary Committee, AG Barr turned to the Democrats and asked them straight up if they would condemn the Antifa violence. The response was dead silence. Amazingly, not one Democrat was willing to agree with Barr that antifa violence was bad.. Can the Democrats really hate Donald Trump so bad that they're willing to let this happen?
Wait, the answer to that question is obvious.
President Trump:
"Fellow Americans. Tonight we are putting aside our many differences to come to together to speak out against the violence that is destroying our cities and tearing our country apart. While we all agree with the right of all Americans to peaceably protest, we unequivocally condemn the arson, looting and vandalism perpetrated by violent anarchists who are hiding behind 'anti-fascist' and 'black lives matter' labels.
Many business that have been destroyed will never return.
We must come together as Americans and heal our nation. Defunding the police is not a workable solution. Vandalism, looting, and burning are not workable solutions. Holding some Americans responsible for the crimes of Americans of previous generations is not an answer. Reorganizing our entire system of government along Marxist lines is not a workable solution.
All of us in this room agree that...Pelosi [interrupting]:
Wait, we didn't know this was going to be an ambush! My party doesn't agree with any of that, except the right to protest against the raacist, fascist, capitalist system that has oppressed people of color in this country since 1619!Trump: Gosh, Nancy, I thought you'd read the memo that invited you here. Didn't you?
Pelosi: I'm very busy organiz...coordinating all the vital elements that the Constitution requires congress to oversee. I don't have time to read partisan press releases from your crappy office!
Trump: Gosh, Nancy, if I'd known that I would have sent the Secretary of State to tell you in person.
Schumer: The esteemed Speaker of the House is right! This is just an attempt by you to divide our party, by trying to get voters to think we support the rule of law, the police, private property rights and the like. We're not stupid, and we see you trying to make voters think we support these things!
Trump: Gosh, Chuck, I'm SO sorry that I tried to make voters think you supported the things I mentioned a couple of minutes ago. I thought we all agreed. So please, do go on and set the record straight.
Pelosi: First turn those damn video cameras off!
Trump: As you wish, madam Speaker. [winks at camera, unseen by Pelosi]
[Pelosi and Schumer spend the next ten minutes explaining why they don't condemn the BLM/Antifa riots and looting, nor trying to destroy the federal courthouse in Portland. They defend "autonomous zones" like CHAZ and condemn police, and support calls to abolish police forces. Trump doesn't interrupt.]
Trump: Okay, playtime's over. The cameras have been recording this entire shit-show. You morons saw the little red lights all go off and stupidly believed that meant the cameras were off. It never occurred to you that symbols don't equal reality, eh?
Thanks for shooting yourselves and your party in the foot!
During his recent appearance before the House Judiciary Committee, AG Barr turned to the Democrats and asked them straight up if they would condemn the Antifa violence. The response was dead silence. Amazingly, not one Democrat was willing to agree with Barr that antifa violence was bad.. Can the Democrats really hate Donald Trump so bad that they're willing to let this happen?
Wait, the answer to that question is obvious.
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