USA Today claims Trump campaign put a "Nazi eagle" on a T-shirt, doesn't realize eagle is the national symbol of...
How hate-filled, how utterly, insanely crazy are the bastard propagandists of the Lying Mainstream Media? Take a look, as USAToday tweeted this at 6am this morning:
Have not one of you heard that the eagle has been used as a symbol of national power since Roman times? No? Why am I not surprised.
And in case the snowflakes at USAT are as confused as they've just demonstrated, the eagle was on the U.S. national seal before Adolf Hitler was even born! In fact, before Hitler's grandparents were born! But please do keep up your utter, insane claim that the eagle used by Trump2020 is "a NAZI symbol. Idiots. Morons.
Fortunately lots of readers did know actual, y'know, history, and thousands blasted USAToday for their stupidity. The avalanche was so bad that two hours later the shit-heads at that rag tried to stop the bleeding by issuing a "clarification." Ah. And would that be "This tweet was sent by a 25-year-old intern, and was not seen by any editors, who wouldn't have approved it. Intern has now been fired, and we'll do better in the future"?
Of course not. Instead the shit-heads tweeted
Democrats scream that Mount Rushmore glorifies white supremacy and the bald eagle with an American flag is a Nazi symbol. Amazing stupidity and self-hate. Is anyone surprised?
Oh, pssst: You idiots at USAT DO realize that by your moronic "logic" your "black Jesus," the emperor Barack H. Obama, was ALSO a Nazi, eh? Take a look at his seal:

Ooooh, now what, morons?
The claim: Trump campagn shirts feature imperial eagle, a NAZI symbol.Hey morons, did no one in your moronic schools ever tell y'all that the bald eagle was named our national bird in, um...1782, when it was placed on The Great Seal of our nation? And that the bald eagle was officially adopted as our national symbol just five years later? (For you snowflakes, that would be 1787.)
Have not one of you heard that the eagle has been used as a symbol of national power since Roman times? No? Why am I not surprised.
And in case the snowflakes at USAT are as confused as they've just demonstrated, the eagle was on the U.S. national seal before Adolf Hitler was even born! In fact, before Hitler's grandparents were born! But please do keep up your utter, insane claim that the eagle used by Trump2020 is "a NAZI symbol. Idiots. Morons.
The claim: Trump campaign shirts feature imperial eagle, a Nazi symbol
Our ruling: True
— USA TODAY (@USATODAY) July 12, 2020
Fortunately lots of readers did know actual, y'know, history, and thousands blasted USAToday for their stupidity. The avalanche was so bad that two hours later the shit-heads at that rag tried to stop the bleeding by issuing a "clarification." Ah. And would that be "This tweet was sent by a 25-year-old intern, and was not seen by any editors, who wouldn't have approved it. Intern has now been fired, and we'll do better in the future"?
Of course not. Instead the shit-heads tweeted
The claim that Trump2020 has put out a T-shirt with a symbol similar to a Nazi eagle and is being criticized for it is true. Worth noting, the eagle is a longtime US symbol too.
Clarification: The claim that Trump 2020 has put out a T-shirt with a symbol similar to a Nazi eagle and is being criticized for it is true. Worth noting, the eagle is a longtime US symbol, too.
Democrats scream that Mount Rushmore glorifies white supremacy and the bald eagle with an American flag is a Nazi symbol. Amazing stupidity and self-hate. Is anyone surprised?
Oh, pssst: You idiots at USAT DO realize that by your moronic "logic" your "black Jesus," the emperor Barack H. Obama, was ALSO a Nazi, eh? Take a look at his seal:
Ooooh, now what, morons?
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