July 07, 2020

Lying Mainstream Media calls Trump's speech on July 3rd "dark, depraved, divisive, dystopian"

If you've been paying attention you probably heard that the president gave a speech on July 3rd at Mount Rushmore.

Chances are you didn't see it, so anything you know about that speech came from articles in the Mainstream Media--virtually all of which described the speech as "dark," "divisive," "dystopian."

The China-loving, socialist-loving WaPo outdid those, claiming the speech was "depraved."

Seriously, they really published that claim.

The same article claimed Trump was fighting to preserve Confederate statues.  OMG!

You should know that Trump never once used the term "Confederate" in his speech.  But the WaPo knows they can lie as much as they wish, cuz their readers will never call 'em on it.

Next week the Post will probably claim every single protest by BLM and Antifa has been totally peaceful, and that any video you think you saw showing buildings burning or blacks smashing cash registers and stealing everything they could carry was fake.

Here are the first two paragraphs of the lies from the Post:
It should be no surprise that President Trump has chosen to center his reelection campaign on appeals to racism and the demonization of his opponents. After all, that is what he did from the opening of his 2016 run with his invocation of Mexican immigrant “rapists,” and before the 2018 congressional midterms, when he decried a supposed “invasion” by “caravans” packed with “bad hombres.” Still, Mr. Trump plumbed new depths of depravity in two speeches he delivered over the weekend, nominally in celebration of the July 4 holiday.
On a day when presidents typically extol the values that bring Americans together, Mr. Trump launched an unhinged attack on the movement for racial and social justice that has surged in the past month. “Angry mobs are trying to tear down statues of our Founders, deface our most sacred memorials and unleash a wave of violent crime in our cities,” he claimed — an obscene misrepresentation of the mostly peaceful marches by millions of citizens in hundreds of cities and towns. “Their goal is not a better America, their goal is the end of America.”
"Mostly peaceful," eh?  Just like that dumb-ass MSNBC "reporter" who reported that line with a straight face, as a large building was totally engulfed in flames behind him.

Of course CNN and the rest of the Lying Left told you the thing that proved Trump was appealing to raaacism was the location he chose to deliver the speech: at the monument CNN described as “a monument of two slave owners … on land wrestled away from Native Americans.”

Wait...are there TWO Mount Rushmores?  Cuz when emperor Barack Hussein Obama visited ONE of the Mount Rushmores in 2008, CNN described THAT Rushmore as “majestic.”  Not a word about being a "monument to two slave owner when black Democrat Obozo visited it.  So I guess there must be two of the things.  Must just be coincidence that both have faces of four great presidents carved on 'em.  Cuz no way could CNN seriously describe a single thing in such totally opposite terms, eh?

I'm waiting for some "reporter" to have the balls to ask Obozo if he believes the four faces on Rushmore should be destroyed.  But of course that will never happen, cuz reasons.

Saul Alinski told the Left to accuse their enemies of doing what the communists were doing.  Great plan.



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