June 02, 2020

MSNBC "journalist" tries to out-do "Baghdad Bob," claims protest is "mostly peaceful" while ignoring....

How stupid are the members of the Lying Mainstream Media?  See for yourself as a liberal "reporter" for MSNBC, Ali Velshi, says "I want to be clear how I characterize this."

Notice he's standing in front of a burning building.  How will he "characterize this"?

After weighing his words carefully, Velshi says it's "mostly peaceful."  "It is not generally unruly."


Hey, moron:  didja notice the big building on fire behind ya?  In your infinite stupidity, do you honestly claim the building set itself on fire?

So if it didn't set itself on fire, who torched it, eh?

Don't ask.  Cuz Ali Velshi sure didn't.  He didn't ask because he already knew.

And amazingly, Velshi later had the gall to complain that the clip posted by a Twatter user was only part of a longer vid, and that the short clip must therefore "lack important context that I provided."

You bet, sparky.  Context, baby!  You gots dat context, dude.  Like, really peaceful protest.  Not "unruly" at all!

Mainstream media are all sons of bitches. 

Any minute now we'll be seeing MSNBC and CNN anchors comparing people smashing windows and stealing shoes from Foot Locker to the Boston Tea Party. 

Hey, does my White privilege allow me to walk into a Target, take whatever I want, and burn it down on my way out?  Because I’ve been doing it wrong all these years; me and my 50hr work weeks, stopping at the checkout with my debit card, getting a receipt, etc.

Here's how Velshi would have reported U.S. troops entering Baghdad:

"There are no tanks in Baghdad. No tanks whatsoever."



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