Privileged male approves of the Mob burning down buildings--until the mob shows up at gate of HIS community
Back in ancient history (before 2000) there was an ancient saying:
Some guy named Chris Palmer covers pro basketball for ESPN. He's very liberal. Or was, at least. Last Thursday (May 28th), as mobs of looters, arsonists and just plain ol' lovable rioters burned down a brand-new six-story, $30-MILLION low-income-housing building paid for by Minneapolis taxpayers, Palmer tweeted "Burn that shit down. Burn it all down."
Wow, why does Palmer want the mob to burn down low-income public housing, eh? Maybe someone should ask him--maybe someone who's paid to...gosh, I'm grappling for a term. Oh yeah: "report" stuff.
So that was Thursday. But then just three days later Palmer had a come-to-Jesus moment: As if by magic, the scales fell from his eyes, allowing him to see the exact same actions...totally differently! Here's Chris on Sunday, May 31st.

If my math is right, it took this moron just THREE days to do a total reversal of his earlier enthusiasm! That's as close to a miracle as you'll find today.
So which is it, Chris? When you thought the building burned by your mob ofarsonists sorry, "mostly peaceful protesters" was built by a capitalist developer you twatted "Burn it all down." But when the same inflamed mob reached the GATES of your "sister community," suddenly you were all "Get these animals out of MY neighborhood. Go back to where you live!"
This is a classic, textbook case of a privileged white man not giving a damn about someone ELSE's business or home being burned to the ground, but suddenly being HORRIFIED when the mob comes for HIM.
Oh wait, did I say "privileged WHITE man"? My bad. Chris is a privileged black male.
"A conservative is a liberal who's been mugged by reality."Of course this was just a cutesy saying by some conservative columnist. Never really true, right?
Some guy named Chris Palmer covers pro basketball for ESPN. He's very liberal. Or was, at least. Last Thursday (May 28th), as mobs of looters, arsonists and just plain ol' lovable rioters burned down a brand-new six-story, $30-MILLION low-income-housing building paid for by Minneapolis taxpayers, Palmer tweeted "Burn that shit down. Burn it all down."
Wow, why does Palmer want the mob to burn down low-income public housing, eh? Maybe someone should ask him--maybe someone who's paid to...gosh, I'm grappling for a term. Oh yeah: "report" stuff.
So that was Thursday. But then just three days later Palmer had a come-to-Jesus moment: As if by magic, the scales fell from his eyes, allowing him to see the exact same actions...totally differently! Here's Chris on Sunday, May 31st.
If my math is right, it took this moron just THREE days to do a total reversal of his earlier enthusiasm! That's as close to a miracle as you'll find today.
So which is it, Chris? When you thought the building burned by your mob of
This is a classic, textbook case of a privileged white man not giving a damn about someone ELSE's business or home being burned to the ground, but suddenly being HORRIFIED when the mob comes for HIM.
Oh wait, did I say "privileged WHITE man"? My bad. Chris is a privileged black male.
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