May 28, 2020

What a surprise: "Vaccination passports" are coming

If you pay attention to politics, you may have heard about a Democrat proposal to require people who want to fly commercial have a "vaccination passport."

Typical liberal:  "Hey, it's for your own safety, citizen!  No good person can complain about doing things to make us safer, right?  The only people who would object would be...conservatives, cuz they don't listen to science!  Yeh, dat's it!"

So how would a "vaccination passport" work, exactly?   Turns out the folks pushing the idea aren't eager to provide many details, but the current Narrative is that if you tested negative that's all ya need, eh?

No.  It looks like the real plan is that you'll have to have been vaccinated.

Hey, no problem, right?  Cuz there's no risk at all in taking a vaccine.  Especially when it's just about the same as the flu vax.

Oh wait...the flu vaccine changes every single year due to tiny mutations of the virus.  So last year's vax is useless.

Ah, now it's starting to be clear:  You'll have to have the new "this year" vax, every year.

Cuz after all, we demand that anyone wanting to fly must have had the flu vaccination, right?

Wait, you say we DON'T do that?

Wow, that's...odd.  Oh well, don't worry, citizen.  Your betters will keep you safe.  Like Fauci saying for weeks that the Chinese virus would NOT be a serious problem for America.

Wait, you say you didn't hear about that?  Hmmm.... cuz he sure as hell said it.  On video. Several times.  Cuz see, he's an "expert" who knows how things work.

Gotta listen to science, dummies.

So if you think they're not gearing up for this, click here to learn about "Covi-pass."

That company already has its own website.  Fast action, eh?


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