July 17, 2019

WaPo runs long anti-Trump piece full of lies and hate, calls on Obama to save the U.S.

When the next civil war arrives ("CW2")--something that now seems unavoidable--you can blame the Lying Mainstream Media.

Among the outlets that bear the most responsibility is the WaPo, as evidenced by an article they ran two days ago by a Trump-hating radical by the name of Karen Tumulty.

Karen's ostensible topic was bitching about Trump's tweets telling the radical socialist gang of four--the four who now lead the Democrat party--to "go back to your failed countries, fix them, then come back and tell us what we need to do here."

Tumulty claimed the president’s tweets were "bigotry, the oldest of racist tropes. And they were a reminder that in the eyes of some, who apparently include our current president, people of color will never be seen as fully American, regardless of how many generations their families have been part of this nation’s story or how much they achieve as individuals."

Seriously?  I didn't see a word of any of that in the tweets.  He didn't say a word about color or race, but was objecting to the grotesque anti-American statements made by four socialists, period.  Their race was irrelevant...except to people like Karen and Democrats, who are determined to make the president's tweets into raaaacism.  

So her entire piece is built on a lie.  But we're just getting started.  She begged the most divisive, secretive, lying president in our history--Barack Obama--to save us.  To do so she deftly re-wrote the emperor's history, saying
You are a respecter of norms....
Seriously?  Would that be the "norm" to force the military to accept flaming gays, and to pay for sex-change operations for trannies?   Those kinds of "norms," Karen?

How about the "norm" of private health insurance, and Obama's brazen, often-repeated, video-captured lie, "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.  If you like your [health insurance] you can keep it," knowing both statements were bullshit?  Guess private health insurance and the ability to choose one's doctor isn't what you consider a "norm," eh Karen?

Karen is just getting started with claims of raaaacism:
For all the barriers you [Obozo] shattered, racism was never a topic upon which you seemed eager to hold forth.  But silence now is unacceptable. It is time to make yourself heard.
For Trump, racism is not a moral failing; it is a political tactic.
No one knows that better than you do. Trump launched his political career by spreading a blatantly racist lie that you had been born in Africa.
Hey bitch, can you possibly not know that for over a decade when Obama's own publisher published his bio on their promotional materials--a bio Obama had to sign off on every year to ensure it was up to date and presumably accurate--that bio said he was a "native of Kenya"?  

Karen calls Trump a "buffoon."  Sitting president.  "Buffoon."  And the Post's editors were fine with it.

She claims--falsely--that Trump called for "a ban on Muslims entering the country."  That's a brazen lie, as she should know.  And her editors should and do know.  Trump imposed a ban on travel to the U.S. from exactly SEVEN of the 57 Muslim-majority countries.  After sabotage by judges in Hawaii and the 9th Circuit Court that ban--on travel to the US. from SEVEN muslim-ruled nations--was upheld by the Supreme Court.  But to leftists like Karen, facts shouldn't matter when one's goal is fanning outrage against the president of the United States.

And now the heart of the piece:
Trump knows Democrats will set aside their internal differences, as they should, to rally around the four, who represent their party’s more liberal, more youthful edge. He intends to make [the four] the faces of the Democratic Party, as he wants America to see it.
That's because they ARE the face of todays Democrat party, Karen.  Look at your party's presidential nominees:  Every one supports every one of AOC's socialist proposals.
Trump himself criticized this country before he was elected...
Really?  Cite, please.  Trump has endlessly said this is a wonderful country, with the best of all systems.  He said it was awful how the Democrats were working 24/7 to tear down this country, by their support for open borders, among many other things.  Lots of voters agreed with him.
...even his campaign slogan — “Make America Great Again” — denigrated both the nation and the progress it has made.
Really?  Seriously?  You really claim the slogan "Make America great again" denigrates this nation?

She ends by begging "You're the only one who can save us, Obi-wan Obama!"  She begs him to "Find your voice again.  Reclaim your legacy."

I challenge any Democrat to find where an outlet in the Mainstream Media ever called for Obama a "buffoon," or spread willful lies about him, or called for his impeachment--which the four have done.  In fact one of 'em--Palestinian Rashida Tlaib--was captured on video just one week after taking office, saying "We're gonna impeach the motherf***er."

And not a single Democrat uttered a single word of either criticism or caution.

But by all means, Karen and WaPo editors, keep fanning the flames.  Get the Dem base more angry.  Motivate more of 'em to try to burn down ICE detention centers, and to beat reporters like Andy Ngo, hitting him in the head with thrown concrete "milkshakes" and kicking him from all sides--all captured on video, which you resolutely ignore.  Cuz Trump is the bad guy.

Yeah.  Keep fanning the flames, Democrats.


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