July 27, 2019

Democrat leader Pelosi tweets that Trump is stealing money from our troops to build wall

Last Friday evening the Supreme Court issued a decision that allowed president Trump to use $2.5 Billion in uncommitted military funds to build another 100 miles of that beautiful wall.

Ten minutes after the decision was released I predicted that the Democrat party leaders would find a way to spin that to wail that a) the Supreme Court decision was EEEEbil; b) that this decision meant that da eeebil OrangeMan was taking bullets and food and flak vests and jet fuel away from our beloved troops (suddenly the Dems are concerned about the troops, where that's never, ever been the case before); and c) that the Dems were gonna appeal the decision to...uh...some higher court.  Or lower court.  Cuz, some f'n lizard would be inconvenienced by the wall--which actually has foot-wide openings every foot specifically to allow lizards and other critters to pass through.

Well...the cliche is that whenever you try to satirize Democrats, they out-do any satire you can imagine.  And sure enough, Nancy Pelosi--sometimes touted by the Lying Mainstream Media as the leader of the Democrat party--just issued the following "tweet:"

If that was blurry, here's what the bitch said:
This evening’s Supreme Court ruling allowing @realDonaldTrump to steal military funds to spend on a wasteful, ineffective border wall rejected by Congress is deeply flawed. Our Founders designed a democracy governed by the people — not a monarchy.
Wow, the bullshit quotient on Nancy's tweet is so off-the-charts that it's hard to know where to start.  But since whining is for wusses, I'll volunteer to take this bitch on:

So you claim the decision of the Supreme f'n Court allowed Trump to "steal military funds," eh?   Wow, if that were true, isn't it amazing that the Supreme f'n Court didn't realize that, eh bitch?  That must be cuz you're so f'n smart and they're just dummies, eh?

You claim a border wall is "wasteful, ineffective," eh?  In that case why did your f'n party vote FOR the wall back when Bush was prez?  Oh yeah: cuz they knew voting AGAINST it would cost them dearly in the next election.  You bastards had to vote FOR it.  The record is public and unequivocal:  Y'all lied about supporting it.

Lied.  Lied.  Lied.  And if it's about to bite your party in the ass I couldn't be happier, bitch.

You claim the wall was "rejected by congress,"eh?  See the comment above:  As noted, your party previously voted FOR the border wall, because you.

Finally Pelosi writes "Our Founders designed a democracy governed by the people, not a monarchy."  Bitch, the Supreme Court was following a document you obviously don't know a thing about.  It's called "The Constitution," and it says the president is responsible for securing our borders against foreign threats.  You characterize the president's actions as those of "a monarchy," but it's actually Constitutional government, working as the Founders--whom you piously claim, for the moment, to revere--specifically prescribed in the...wait for it...Constitution.

Which, if I'm not mistaken, you swore an oath to protect.  But we all know that means jack-shit to Democrats.

Ya know, for the leader of the Democrat party, you don't seem to actually know jack about the Constitution.

Why am I not surprised?


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